要求:仅使用RV64I整型指令集,实现两个32位有符号int型变量的乘法(不可以使用RV64M中的乘除法指令)。函数已在mul.s中被命名为mymul。 函数原型:int mymul(int,int); 即接收两个32位有符号int作为输入,输出它们的乘积,仍以int表示
时间: 2024-04-29 21:23:58 浏览: 54
# RV64I integer multiplication without using RV64M multiply instructions
# function prototype: int mymul(int x, int y);
# function code
# save registers
addi sp, sp, -16
sd ra, 0(sp)
sd s0, 8(sp)
# initialize variables
li s0, 0 # product
li t0, 0 # multiplier
li t1, 0 # multiplicand
mv t0, a0 # move x to t0
mv t1, a1 # move y to t1
# loop through each bit of multiplier
li t2, 0x80000000 # initialize mask to MSB of multiplier
bgez t1, skip # if multiplicand is positive, skip next instruction
sub t1, x0, t1 # negate multiplicand
and t3, t1, t2 # extract bit from multiplier
beqz t3, next # if bit is 0, skip next instruction
add s0, s0, t0 # add multiplicand to product
sll t0, t0, 1 # shift multiplicand left by 1 bit
srl t2, t2, 1 # shift mask right by 1 bit
bnez t2, loop # if mask is not zero, loop again
# restore registers and return
ld ra, 0(sp)
ld s0, 8(sp)
addi sp, sp, 16