时间: 2023-07-30 16:07:19 浏览: 302
ShapeNetCore 数据集 (v1+v2)
5星 · 资源好评率100%
Fertility 数据集中的 V1 到 V10 列分别表示以下变量:
1. V1:Season in which the analysis was performed(分析进行的季节)
2. V2:Age at the time of analysis(分析时的年龄)
3. V3:Childish diseases (ie, chicken pox, measles, mumps, polio)(是否患有儿童时期的传染病,如水痘、麻疹、腮腺炎、小儿麻痹症等)
4. V4:Accident or serious trauma (ie, motor vehicle accident, surgery)(是否有过意外事故或严重外伤,如车祸、手术等)
5. V5:Surgical intervention (ie, appendectomy, ovary removal)(是否有过手术干预,如阑尾切除、卵巢切除等)
6. V6:High fevers in the last year(过去一年中是否有高烧)
7. V7:Frequency of alcohol consumption(饮酒频率)
8. V8:Smoking habit(吸烟习惯)
9. V9:Number of hours spent sitting per day ene-16(每天坐着的小时数)
10. V10:Output: Diagnosis normal (N), altered (O)(输出变量,诊断为正常(N)或异常(O))
以上是 Fertility 数据集中各列的含义。