Halcon 图像转QImage C++代码
时间: 2023-06-16 13:05:13 浏览: 220
#include <QImage>
#include <HalconCpp.h>
QImage HalconToQImage(Halcon::HObject& halconImage) {
Halcon::HTuple hv_Width, hv_Height, hv_Type, hv_Pointer, hv_Pitch;
Halcon::HImage tmpImage, rgbImage;
// Convert to an RGB image
tmpImage = halconImage;
rgbImage = tmpImage.ColorRgb();
// Get image properties
rgbImage.GetImagePointer1(&hv_Pointer, &hv_Type, &hv_Width, &hv_Height);
rgbImage.GetImagePointer3(&hv_Pointer, &hv_Pitch, &hv_Type, &hv_Width, &hv_Height);
// Create QImage from image data
QImage image((uchar*)hv_Pointer.TupleVoid(), hv_Width, hv_Height, hv_Pitch, QImage::Format_RGB888);
return image;
// Load a Halcon image
Halcon::HObject halconImage("path/to/image.jpg");
// Convert to QImage
QImage qImage = HalconToQImage(halconImage);