simulink 下级in out block 名称赋给上层Subsystem的port的脚本
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Simulink.rar_matlab subsystem_matlab子系统_simulink 教程
在 Simulink 中,您可以使用以下脚本将下级 In/Out Block 的名称赋值给上层 Subsystem 的端口:
function blkStruct = slblocks
% This function specifies that the library should appear
% in the Library Browser
% and be cached in the browser repository
blkStruct.Name = 'My Library';
blkStruct.OpenFcn = 'mylibrary';
blkStruct.MaskDisplay = '';
% Define the library's contents
blkStruct.Blocks = [...
% List your library's blocks here
% ...
% Define the function called when a user double-clicks on
% the library icon.
blkStruct.OpenFcn = 'mylibrary';
% Define the contents of the Library Browser's right-click context menu.
% The "About" context menu displays the contents of the library's
% Contents.m file.
blkStruct.MaskDisplay = 'disp(''My Library'')';
% Define the name of the function to call to register the
% library with Simulink.
blkStruct.RegistrationFcn = 'mylibrary_register';
% --- This function sets the Inport name to the name of the block
function blkStruct = mylibrary_register
% Register the library with Simulink
blkStruct.Name = 'My Library';
% Set up the Inport block's name to be the same as the block name
blkStruct.Inports = struct('Name', 'Inport', 'PortNumber', 1, 'BlockName', 'Inport', 'Signals', struct('Name', '', 'Dimensions', '', 'Datatype', '', 'Complexity', '', 'SampleTime', '-1'));
% Set up the Outport block's name to be the same as the block name
blkStruct.Outports = struct('Name', 'Outport', 'PortNumber', 1, 'BlockName', 'Outport', 'Signals', struct('Name', '', 'Dimensions', '', 'Datatype', '', 'Complexity', '', 'SampleTime', '-1'));
在上面的代码中,`mylibrary_register` 函数将用于注册库,并将 Inport 和 Outport 块的名称设置为与其所属的块名称相同。您可以按照需要修改此函数以满足您的具体要求。