/bin/sh: java: command not found
时间: 2023-08-09 10:06:51 浏览: 328
您好!如果您在使用/bin/sh时出现"java: command not found"的错误,可能是因为您的系统中没有安装Java或者Java的路径没有正确配置。您可以尝试以下解决方案:
1. 确认是否安装了Java:在终端中输入"java -version"命令,如果系统中已经安装了Java,将会显示Java的版本信息。如果没有安装,您可以前往Oracle官方网站下载并安装Java。
2. 配置Java的环境变量:打开终端,并编辑"~/.bashrc"或者"~/.bash_profile"文件,添加以下内容:
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
将"/path/to/java"替换为您Java安装的路径。保存并关闭文件后,运行"source ~/.bashrc"或者"source ~/.bash_profile"命令使配置生效。
3. 检查Java的安装路径:如果您已经安装了Java,但仍然出现"java: command not found"的错误,可能是Java的安装路径没有正确设置。您可以通过运行"which java"命令来查找Java可执行文件的路径,并根据结果来设置JAVA_HOME的值。
/bin/sh: mysql_config: command not found /bin/sh: mariadb_config: command not found /bin/sh: mysql_config: command not found
These errors indicate that the system is unable to locate the "mysql_config" or "mariadb_config" command. This could be due to a missing package or an incorrect installation.
To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:
1. Install the MySQL or MariaDB development package by running the following command:
For MySQL:
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
For MariaDB:
sudo apt-get install libmariadbclient-dev
2. If the above command does not work, you can try locating the "mysql_config" or "mariadb_config" command manually by running the following command:
sudo find / -name mysql_config
If the command is found, update the PATH environment variable to include the directory where the command is located. For example, if the command is located in "/usr/local/mysql/bin", you can add the following line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile file:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
3. If the above steps do not work, you may need to reinstall MySQL or MariaDB and ensure that the required development packages are installed.
ERROR: module command /usr/bin/modulecmd python purge failed with message: /bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/modulecmd: not found
看起来你正在尝试在一个环境中配置ROS(Robot Operating System)项目,但遇到了CMake问题以及找不到特定库(如LevelDB)的错误。当遇到`modulecmd`命令未找到的情况时,这通常意味着系统环境变量可能还没有设置好,使得`modulecmd`工具无法找到。
1. **检查模块加载路径**[^1]:
echo $PATH
2. **更新模块路径**:
如果`modulecmd`不在$PATH中,你可以手动添加它所在的路径,通常是 `/usr/libexec/openmpi` 或 `/opt/modules`。例如:
export PATH="/usr/libexec/openmpi/bin:$PATH"
3. **重新加载模块**:
使用 `source` 命令来应用新的路径设置:
source ~/.bashrc
4. **安装模块**:
sudo apt-get install liblevel-db-dev
5. **再次尝试配置**:
清理并重新运行 `cmake` 和 `make` 命令以重新构建项目。