时间: 2024-04-24 21:23:00 浏览: 150
Objects.nonnull 是 Java 8 中的一个实用工具类,它提供了一些静态方法用于进行非空校验。在 Java 中,我们经常需要对对象进行非空校验,以避免出现空指针异常。而 Objects.nonnull 类提供的 nonNull 方法可以用于执行非空校验。
使用 Objects.nonnull 方法,我们可以传入一个对象作为参数,并且该方法会检查该对象是否为 null。如果对象为 null,则会抛出 NullPointerException 异常;如果对象不为 null,则该方法会返回对象本身。
下面是一个使用 Objects.nonnull 的示例代码:
public void doSomething(String name) {
Objects.nonNull(name); // 非空校验
// 执行其他操作
在上述示例中,我们传入一个字符串 name 给 doSomething 方法,并使用 Objects.nonnull 对其进行非空校验。如果 name 为 null,则会抛出 NullPointerException 异常;如果 name 不为 null,则会继续执行其他操作。
需要注意的是,Objects.nonnull 方法只是用于进行非空校验,并不会对对象的其他属性或方法进行访问。如果需要进一步操作对象属性或方法,可以在非空校验之后进行。
`Objects.nonNull` is a static utility method in Java's `java.util.Objects` class that is used to check if an object reference is not null. It takes an object reference as its argument and throws a `NullPointerException` if the reference is null. If the reference is not null, the method returns the reference unchanged.
It is commonly used in situations where a null check is needed to avoid potential `NullPointerExceptions`. For example:
public void doSomething(Object obj) {
Objects.requireNonNull(obj, "Object parameter cannot be null");
// rest of the method logic
In the above code, if the `obj` parameter is null, a `NullPointerException` will be thrown with the given error message. If `obj` is not null, the method will continue to execute.
`Objects.nonNull` is a static utility method in Java's `java.util.Objects` class that is used to check if an object reference is not null. It takes an object reference as its argument and throws a `NullPointerException` if the reference is null. If the reference is not null, the method returns the reference unchanged.
It is commonly used in situations where a null check is needed to avoid potential `NullPointerExceptions`. For example:
public void doSomething(Object obj) {
Objects.requireNonNull(obj, "Object parameter cannot be null");
// rest of the method logic
In the above code, if the `obj` parameter is null, a `NullPointerException` will be thrown with the given error message. If `obj` is not null, the method will continue to execute.