buildroot alsa-lib
时间: 2023-11-11 07:01:21 浏览: 113
buildroot 是一个嵌入式 Linux 系统的构建工具,可以用来构建定制化的 Linux 系统。而 alsa-lib 是一个用于操作音频设备的库,提供了一些常用的音频操作函数。在使用 buildroot 构建嵌入式 Linux 系统时,可以选择将 alsa-lib 加入到系统中,以便进行音频操作。
buildroot keras-applications
Buildroot and Keras Applications are two separate things. Buildroot is a tool that allows you to build a custom Linux system for embedded devices, while Keras Applications is a collection of pre-trained models for deep learning.
If you want to use Keras Applications with Buildroot, you can include the necessary packages and dependencies in your Buildroot configuration. This will allow you to use the pre-trained models provided by Keras Applications in your embedded device.
To do this, you can add the necessary packages and dependencies to your Buildroot configuration file (typically called "defconfig"). This will include the necessary libraries and tools needed to use Keras Applications. You can then compile your custom Linux system using Buildroot and start using Keras Applications on your embedded device.
Note that using Keras Applications on an embedded device may require significant computational resources, so you may need to choose a model that is suitable for your device's hardware specifications.