loss = baseMVA * Ysc .* Vdrop .* conj(Vdrop)
时间: 2023-11-21 20:05:53 浏览: 57
% 假设已经给出了baseMVA、Ysc和Vdrop的值
loss = baseMVA * Ysc .* Vdrop .* conj(Vdrop);
This line of code extracts the variables 'baseMVA', 'bus', 'gen', and 'branch' from the input mpc struct and assigns them to separate variables.
- 'baseMVA' is the base MVA used for the power flow calculation.
- 'bus' contains information about the buses in the power system, such as their voltage magnitude and phase angle.
- 'gen' contains information about the generators in the power system, such as their maximum and minimum power output limits.
- 'branch' contains information about the branches connecting the buses, such as their resistance and reactance values.
By separating these variables, we can access and manipulate the power system data more easily.
输入参数的数目不足。 出错 makeBdc (line 32) mpc = baseMVA;
这个错误提示是在运行 `makeBdc` 函数时出现的,它表明输入的参数数目不足,导致程序无法继续执行。根据错误信息,我猜测是在第 32 行调用 `makeBdc` 函数时,没有传入正确的参数,导致程序无法正确获取 `mpc` 这个变量,从而导致出错。
请检查一下 `makeBdc` 函数的调用部分,确认输入参数是否正确,并且满足函数要求的格式和数量。如果问题仍然存在,可以提供更多的相关代码和错误信息,以便更好地帮助您解决问题。