sql case when 不等于
时间: 2023-11-16 17:59:35 浏览: 119
在SQL中,使用CASE WHEN语句可以根据条件对数据进行分类和分组。如果需要判断不等于的情况,可以使用NOT和等于号(=)来实现。例如,以下是一个判断basicinfo_credit_status不等于1和4的CASE WHEN语句的示例:
CASE WHEN basicinfo_credit_status <> 1 AND basicinfo_credit_status <> 4 THEN "other" ELSE "pass/reject" END
sql case when
In SQL, the `CASE WHEN` statement is used to perform conditional logic. It is used to evaluate a set of conditions and return a value based on the result of the evaluation.
The basic syntax for the `CASE WHEN` statement is as follows:
WHEN condition1 THEN result1
WHEN condition2 THEN result2
WHEN conditionN THEN resultN
ELSE default_result
Here's a breakdown of what each part of the syntax does:
- `CASE` begins the `CASE WHEN` statement.
- `WHEN` specifies the condition to be evaluated.
- `THEN` specifies the value to be returned if the condition is true.
- `ELSE` specifies the value to be returned if none of the conditions are true.
- `END` ends the `CASE WHEN` statement.
Here's an example that uses `CASE WHEN` to classify products in a table based on their prices:
SELECT product_name,
WHEN price < 10 THEN 'Cheap'
WHEN price >= 10 AND price < 50 THEN 'Moderate'
WHEN price >= 50 THEN 'Expensive'
ELSE 'Unknown'
END AS price_category
FROM products;
In this example, the `CASE WHEN` statement evaluates the `price` column for each row in the `products` table. If the price is less than 10, it is classified as "Cheap". If the price is between 10 and 50, it is classified as "Moderate". If the price is 50 or greater, it is classified as "Expensive". If the price is not provided, it is classified as "Unknown".
Sql Case When
SQL中的CASE WHEN语句是一种条件语句,用于根据条件对数据进行条件判断和结果返回。它通常与SELECT、UPDATE或DELETE等SQL语句结合使用。
CASE WHEN语句的基本语法如下:
WHEN condition1 THEN result1
WHEN condition2 THEN result2
ELSE result
使用CASE WHEN语句时,可以根据不同的条件返回不同的结果,这在数据查询、更新和删除等操作中非常有用。以下是一些使用CASE WHEN语句的示例:
1. 查询符合条件的记录:
SELECT column1, column2,
WHEN condition1 THEN 'Condition 1'
WHEN condition2 THEN 'Condition 2'
ELSE 'Other'
END AS result_column
FROM table_name;
2. 根据性别进行分组统计:
SELECT gender, COUNT(*) AS count,
WHEN gender = 'male' THEN 'Male'
WHEN gender = 'female' THEN 'Female'
ELSE 'Other'
END AS gender_group
FROM users;
3. 根据销售额进行排名:
SELECT product_name, sales_amount,
WHEN sales_amount = MAX(sales_amount) THEN 'Top'
ELSE 'Middle'
END AS rank_column
FROM sales_table;
通过使用CASE WHEN语句,您可以根据特定的条件和需求来灵活地处理数据,并根据需要返回不同的结果。