matlab ashape
时间: 2024-08-16 19:03:47 浏览: 93
shapeDesc = ashape(binaryImage);
在 MATLAB 中,shape 函数用于获取数组的大小或形状。它通常用于多维数组,以便确定每个维度的长度。下面是一个示例:
A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6];
sz = size(A);
在上述示例中,A 是一个 2x3 的矩阵。通过调用 size(A),我们可以获得 sz 的值为 [2, 3],表示矩阵 A 的大小为 2 行 3 列。
请注意,如果你想得到具体的行数或列数,你可以使用 sz(1) 或 sz(2) 分别获取。
matlab shaperead
The shaperead function in MATLAB is used to read shapefiles, which are files that contain geographic information such as maps, boundaries, and points of interest. The shaperead function returns a structure array that contains the attributes and geometry of the shapefile.
The syntax for shaperead is:
S = shaperead(filename)
where `filename` is the name of the shapefile to be read, including the file extension. The output `S` is a structure array containing the attributes and geometry of the shapefile.
For example, to read a shapefile named "myshapefile.shp", you would use the following code:
S = shaperead('myshapefile.shp');
Once the shapefile has been read into MATLAB, you can access its attributes and geometry using dot notation. For example, to access the first feature in the shapefile, you would use:
where `AttributeFieldName` is the name of the attribute field you want to access.