decimal格式报Data truncated for column
时间: 2023-11-29 16:11:08 浏览: 342
您好!对于报告 "Data truncated for column" 的问题,通常是由于在将数据插入数据库时,数据的长度超过了列的限制而引起的。这可能是因为您正在尝试插入一个超出列定义长度的数值或字符串。
1. 检查数据库表中的列定义,确保它们与插入的数据类型匹配,并且具有足够的长度来容纳您的数据。
2. 检查您正在插入的数据,确保其长度不超过列定义的限制。如果需要,可以尝试缩短数据长度或更改列的定义以适应更长的数据。
3. 确保您的代码没有在插入数据之前进行截断或格式转换操作,这可能导致数据被截断或失去精度。
Data truncated for column 'pricex'
Data truncated for column 'pricex'错误通常是由于数据库中指定的列长度小于要插入的数据长度导致的。您可以检查数据库中'pricex'列的数据类型和长度,并确保数据的长度不超过指定的长度。例如,如果'pricex'列的数据类型为DECIMAL(5,2),则表示该列最多可以存储5位数,其中有2位小数。如果要插入的数据长度超过了指定的长度,就会出现Data truncated for column 'pricex'错误。
pymysql.err.DataError: (1366, "Incorrect decimal value: '嘉定老城' for column 'price' at row 1")
This error message suggests that there is an issue with the data being inserted into the 'price' column of a MySQL table using PyMySQL. Specifically, it appears that the value being inserted, which is '嘉定老城', is not a valid decimal value.
To fix this issue, you will need to ensure that the data being inserted into the 'price' column is in the correct format. In this case, it is likely that the 'price' column should only contain numerical values. You may need to modify your code to convert any non-numerical values to a valid decimal format before inserting them into the database.
Alternatively, you may need to modify the data type of the 'price' column in the MySQL table to allow for non-decimal values, such as a string or text data type. However, this will depend on the specific requirements of your application and data model.