svn: E155007: 'C:\Users\86176' is not a working copy directory
时间: 2024-04-17 09:24:11 浏览: 298
这个错误提示表明目标路径 "C:\Users\86176" 不是一个有效的 SVN 工作副本目录。SVN 命令需要在一个已经进行过 SVN 版本控制的工作副本目录中执行。
请确保你在正确的目录下执行 SVN 命令,该目录应该是一个 SVN 工作副本的根目录或其子目录。你可以通过以下几种方式来确认是否为有效的工作副本目录:
1. 在命令行窗口中使用 `cd` 命令切换到你认为是工作副本的目录,然后执行 `svn info` 命令,查看是否能够获取到相关 SVN 信息。
2. 检查目标目录中是否包含 `.svn` 文件夹。这个隐藏文件夹是 SVN 工作副本的标识,包含了版本控制所需的元数据。
如果确认当前目录不是有效的 SVN 工作副本目录,你可以尝试在正确的目录下执行相应的 SVN 命令。如果你还没有进行过 SVN 版本控制,你需要先通过 `svn checkout` 命令从远程仓库获取一个工作副本。
svn: E155007:
svn: E155007: 'D:\svn'不是一个工作副本,问题原因是你所提交的文件不在svn的checkout下来的原始路径下,而svn的提交失败是因为该文件(路径)下没有.svn文件。解决方法是在所需位置下checkout,然后将要提交的文件添加并提交。例如,可以执行以下步骤:
1. 使用命令svn mkdir -m "注释" svn://url/a/你要创建的文件夹在需要创建的文件夹位置新建文件夹(其中url为你仓库的地址)。
2. 在上一步创建的文件夹位置下checkout,执行命令svn co svn://url/a/你要创建的文件夹。这样你要创建的文件夹下就会有.svn文件。
3. 在你的文件夹下将要提交的文件添加,执行命令svn add *,然后提交,执行命令svn ci -m "注释"。<em>1</em><em>2</em><em>3</em>
#### 引用[.reference_title]
- *1* *2* [svn: E155007: “”不是工作副本]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v92^chatsearchT3_1"}} ] [.reference_item]
- *3* [svn: E155007: 'XXX' is not a working copy]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v92^chatsearchT3_1"}} ] [.reference_item]
[ .reference_list ]
svn : cleanup failed to process the
working copy directory
This error message indicates that the "svn cleanup" command failed to complete its cleanup process on the specified working copy directory. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as:
- The working copy directory is locked by another process or user, preventing svn from accessing it.
- The working copy directory is corrupt or contains files with invalid metadata, causing svn to fail during the cleanup process.
- The svn client or server is experiencing issues or errors that prevent the cleanup process from completing successfully.
To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:
1. Make sure that no other process or user is accessing the working copy directory. Close any applications or processes that may be using the directory and try the cleanup command again.
2. Verify that the working copy directory is not corrupt. You can do this by running the "svn status" command and checking for any errors or inconsistencies in the output. If you find any errors, you may need to manually fix them before running the cleanup command.
3. Try running the cleanup command with the "--force" option. This will force svn to remove any locks or stale data that may be preventing the cleanup process from completing.
4. If none of the above steps work, you may need to contact your svn administrator or support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide additional guidance or help you troubleshoot the issue.