GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DIRECTORY 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\aaa.csv' TO leo;
时间: 2023-08-15 18:06:07 浏览: 93
在SQL中,GRANT语句用于授予用户或角色特定的权限。在你提供的例子中,GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES 用于授予用户 leo 对指定目录('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\aaa.csv')的所有权限。
ou are not allowed to create a user with GRANT' on query. Default database: 'rw'. Query: 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'myslave1'@'%''
It seems like you are trying to grant privileges to a user 'myslave1'@'%' on all databases and tables, but you do not have the necessary privileges to do so.
You need to have the GRANT privilege with the WITH GRANT OPTION to be able to grant privileges to other users. Additionally, you may need to specify the database for which you want to grant privileges.
You can try logging in as a user with the necessary privileges and executing the GRANT statement again. You can also check the MySQL documentation for more information on the GRANT statement and user privileges.
--给管理员角色赋予权限: grant all privileges on readers to admin grant all privileges on books to admin grant select on rb to admin这个赋予权限出现错误应该怎么解决
这个错误可能是由于 rb 表不存在而导致的,因为在语句中出现了 rb 表,但并未在语句中创建。
如果您确定 rb 表已经存在,可以尝试使用以下语句授权:
grant all privileges on readers to admin;
grant all privileges on books to admin;
grant select on rb to admin;
如果 rb 表不存在,您需要先使用 CREATE TABLE 语句创建 rb 表,例如:
create table rb (
id int primary key,
reader_id int,
book_id int,
borrow_date datetime,
return_date datetime