polynomial time
时间: 2023-11-15 12:50:38 浏览: 139
two trees, t1 and t2, are isomorphic if t1 can be transformed into t2 by swapping left and right children of (some of the) nodes in t1. for instance, the two trees in figure 1 are isomorphic because they are the same if the children of a, b, and g, but not the other nodes, are swapped. give a polynomial time algorithm to decide if two trees are isomorphic.
polynomial space-time covariance matrix
A polynomial space-time covariance matrix is a matrix that describes the covariance between different space-time points in a polynomial regression model. In other words, it is a matrix that describes how closely related different space-time points are in a polynomial regression context.
The polynomial space-time covariance matrix can be used for various purposes, including spatial interpolation, prediction, and uncertainty analysis. It is commonly used in geostatistics, where it is used to model the spatial variability of different variables across a region.
The polynomial space-time covariance matrix is typically defined as a function of the distance and time between different space-time points, and it can be estimated using various methods, including maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Once estimated, the covariance matrix can be used to generate predictions for future space-time points, as well as to quantify the uncertainty associated with those predictions.