时间: 2024-10-18 17:15:57 浏览: 26
# 定义两个3x3的三元矩阵
matrix1 = [[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]
matrix2 = [[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1]]
# 对应位置相加
result_matrix = [[matrix1[i][j] + matrix2[i][j] for j in range(len(matrix1[0]))] for i in range(len(matrix1))]
typedef struct{
int row; // 行
int col; // 列
int value; // 值
typedef struct {
TriTupleNode data[MAX_SIZE]; // 三元组顺序存储结构体
int mu, nu, tu; // 行数、列数、非零元素个数
1. 稀疏矩阵加法
int AddTSMatrix(TSMatrix A, TSMatrix B, TSMatrix *C){
if (A.mu != B.mu || A.nu != B.nu)
return 0; // 两矩阵行数不相等或列数不相等,不能加减
C->mu = A.mu;
C->nu = A.nu;
int k = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < A.tu && j < B.tu){
if (A.data[i].row < B.data[j].row){
C->data[k++] = A.data[i++];
} else if (A.data[i].row > B.data[j].row){
C->data[k++] = B.data[j++];
} else {
if (A.data[i].col < B.data[j].col){
C->data[k++] = A.data[i++];
} else if (A.data[i].col > B.data[j].col){
C->data[k++] = B.data[j++];
} else {
int sum = A.data[i++].value + B.data[j++].value;
if (sum != 0){
C->data[k].row = A.data[i-1].row;
C->data[k].col = A.data[i-1].col;
C->data[k++].value = sum;
while (i < A.tu)
C->data[k++] = A.data[i++];
while (j < B.tu)
C->data[k++] = B.data[j++];
C->tu = k;
return 1;
2. 稀疏矩阵减法
int SubTSMatrix(TSMatrix A, TSMatrix B, TSMatrix *C){
if (A.mu != B.mu || A.nu != B.nu)
return 0; // 两矩阵行数不相等或列数不相等,不能加减
C->mu = A.mu;
C->nu = A.nu;
int k = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < A.tu && j < B.tu){
if (A.data[i].row < B.data[j].row){
C->data[k++] = A.data[i++];
} else if (A.data[i].row > B.data[j].row){
C->data[k] = B.data[j++];
C->data[k].value = -C->data[k].value; // 值取负
} else {
if (A.data[i].col < B.data[j].col){
C->data[k++] = A.data[i++];
} else if (A.data[i].col > B.data[j].col){
C->data[k] = B.data[j++];
C->data[k].value = -C->data[k].value; // 值取负
} else {
int sum = A.data[i++].value - B.data[j++].value;
if (sum != 0){
C->data[k].row = A.data[i-1].row;
C->data[k].col = A.data[i-1].col;
C->data[k++].value = sum;
while (i < A.tu)
C->data[k++] = A.data[i++];
while (j < B.tu){
C->data[k] = B.data[j++];
C->data[k].value = -C->data[k].value; // 值取负
C->tu = k;
return 1;
3. 稀疏矩阵乘法
int MultTSMatrix(TSMatrix A, TSMatrix B, TSMatrix *C){
if (A.nu != B.mu)
return 0; // 两矩阵行列数不匹配,不能相乘
C->mu = A.mu;
C->nu = B.nu;
C->tu = 0;
int *rows = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (A.nu+1));
memset(rows, -1, sizeof(int) * (A.nu+1));
int *cols = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (B.nu+1));
memset(cols, -1, sizeof(int) * (B.nu+1));
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < A.tu; i++){
int col = A.data[i].col;
for (int j = 0; j < B.tu; j++){
int row = B.data[j].row;
if (col == row){
if (rows[col] == -1)
rows[col] = k;
cols[row] = k;
C->data[k].row = A.data[i].row;
C->data[k].col = B.data[j].col;
C->data[k++].value = A.data[i].value * B.data[j].value;
C->tu = k;
int cnt[MAX_SIZE] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < A.nu; i++){
if (rows[i] != -1){
int head = rows[i];
for (int j = head+1; j < C->tu; j++){
if (C->data[j].row == C->data[head].row){
C->data[head].value += C->data[j].value;
C->data[j].value = 0;
k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < B.nu; i++){
if (cols[i] != -1){
int head = cols[i];
for (int j = head+1; j < C->tu; j++){
if (C->data[j].col == C->data[head].col){
if (C->data[head].value == 0){
C->data[head] = C->data[j];
C->data[j].value = 0;
} else {
C->data[head].value += C->data[j].value;
C->data[j].value = 0;
C->data[k++] = C->data[head];
C->tu = k;
return 1;
class SparseMatrix:
def __init__(self, row, col):
self.row = row
self.col = col
self.data = []
def add_entry(self, i, j, val):
self.data.append((i, j, val))
def get_entry(self, i, j):
for entry in self.data:
if entry[0] == i and entry[1] == j:
return entry[2]
return 0
def __add__(self, other):
if self.row != other.row or self.col != other.col:
raise ValueError("Matrices must be of the same size")
result = SparseMatrix(self.row, self.col)
self_index = 0
other_index = 0
while self_index < len(self.data) and other_index < len(other.data):
if self.data[self_index][0] == other.data[other_index][0] and \
self.data[self_index][1] == other.data[other_index][1]:
result.add_entry(self.data[self_index][0], self.data[self_index][1],
self.data[self_index][2] + other.data[other_index][2])
self_index += 1
other_index += 1
elif self.data[self_index][0] < other.data[other_index][0] or \
(self.data[self_index][0] == other.data[other_index][0] and \
self.data[self_index][1] < other.data[other_index][1]):
result.add_entry(self.data[self_index][0], self.data[self_index][1],
self_index += 1
result.add_entry(other.data[other_index][0], other.data[other_index][1],
other_index += 1
while self_index < len(self.data):
result.add_entry(self.data[self_index][0], self.data[self_index][1],
self_index += 1
while other_index < len(other.data):
result.add_entry(other.data[other_index][0], other.data[other_index][1],
other_index += 1
return result
def __mul__(self, other):
if self.col != other.row:
raise ValueError("Matrices cannot be multiplied")
result = SparseMatrix(self.row, other.col)
for i in range(self.row):
for j in range(other.col):
dot_product = 0
for k in range(self.col):
dot_product += self.get_entry(i, k) * other.get_entry(k, j)
if dot_product != 0:
result.add_entry(i, j, dot_product)
return result