时间: 2024-03-06 08:44:53 浏览: 177
epel-release是一个软件包,它提供了额外的软件包源,可以用于安装和更新在CentOS、RHEL和其他基于Red Hat的发行版中不包含的软件包。EPEL代表"Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux",它由Fedora项目维护。
1. 使用root用户或具有sudo权限的用户登录到您的CentOS或RHEL系统。
2. 执行以下命令来安装epel-release软件包:
sudo yum install epel-release
3. 安装完成后,您就可以使用yum命令来搜索和安装来自EPEL存储库的软件包了。
oracle linux yum install epel-release No package epel-release available.
The EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository may not be available in the Oracle Linux distribution by default. You can try to download and install the EPEL repository RPM package manually using the following command:
wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
sudo rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
This will download and install the latest EPEL repository package for Oracle Linux 7. If you are using a different version of Oracle Linux, you may need to adjust the package name accordingly.
After installing the EPEL repository, you can use the `yum` command to install additional software packages from the EPEL repository.
yum install epel-release
这是一个Linux命令,用于安装EPEL存储库。EPEL是Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux的缩写,它提供了一些不包含在标准RHEL或CentOS存储库中的软件包。通过安装EPEL存储库,您可以访问更多的软件包,以满足您的需求。