def get_director(x): for i in x: if i['job'] == 'Director': return i['name'] df['crew'] = df['crew'].apply(get_director) for j in json_column[0:4]: df[j] = df[j].apply(get_name)

时间: 2023-10-31 18:06:23 浏览: 41


好的,你可以使用 Spring Data JPA 来实现分页查询。首先,你需要定义一个实体类来表示 `group` 表和一个实体类来表示 `group_crew` 表。这两个实体类之间存在一对多的关系。 Group 实体类: ```java @Entity @Table(name = "group") public class Group { @Id private Long id; private String groupname; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "group") private List<GroupCrew> groupCrews; // 省略 getter 和 setter 方法 } ``` GroupCrew 实体类: ```java @Entity @Table(name = "group_crew") public class GroupCrew { @Id private Long id; private Long crew_id; private String crew_name; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "group_id") private Group group; // 省略 getter 和 setter 方法 } ``` 接下来,在你的 Repository 中定义一个方法,使用 Spring Data JPA 的分页查询功能来查询数据: ```java public interface GroupRepository extends JpaRepository<Group, Long> { @Query("SELECT AS group_id, g.groupname, gc.crew_id, gc.crew_name FROM Group g INNER JOIN g.groupCrews gc") Page<Map<String, Object>> findGroupCrews(Pageable pageable); } ``` 在这个方法中,我们使用了 `@Query` 注解来指定 SQL 语句,通过 `INNER JOIN` 将 `group` 表和 `group_crew` 表连接起来,使用 `Pageable` 参数来实现分页查询。最后,我们将查询结果以 `Map<String, Object>` 的形式返回,其中键为列名,值为列值。 最后,在你的 Controller 中调用这个方法,将查询结果返回给前端: ```java @RestController public class GroupController { @Autowired private GroupRepository groupRepository; @GetMapping("/groups") public Page<Map<String, Object>> getGroupCrews(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") int page, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "10") int size) { Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(page, size); return groupRepository.findGroupCrews(pageable); } } ``` 在这个 Controller 中,我们使用 `@GetMapping` 注解来定义一个 GET 请求的接口,通过 `@RequestParam` 注解来获取前端传递的分页参数,最后调用 `groupRepository.findGroupCrews` 方法来查询数据并返回分页结果。


好的,你可以使用以下 SQL 语句实现分页查询: ``` SELECT AS group_id, g.groupname, gc.crew_id, gc.crew_name FROM group g INNER JOIN group_crew gc ON = gc.group_id ORDER BY LIMIT {start}, {limit}; ``` 其中 `{start}` 和 `{limit}` 分别代表查询起始位置和每页显示的数量。你可以根据具体需求替换这两个参数的值。


根据以下要求编写一个python程序1. Description Ship of Fools is a simple classic dice game. It is played with five standard 6-faced dice by two or more players. - The goal of the game is to gather a 6, a 5 and a 4 (ship, captain and crew) in the mentioned order. - The sum of the two remaining dice (cargo) is preferred as high as possible. The player with the highest cargo score wins the round. Example: - In the first round turn, if a player rolls 6 4 3 3 1 (note we five dice at the beginning), the player can bank the 6 (ship), but the rest needs to be re-rolled since there is no 5. - In the second round turn, if the player rolls 6 5 4 4 (four dice, since the 6 from last turn is banked), the player can bank the 5 (captain) and the 4 (crew). The player has three choices for the remaining 6 and 4. The player can bank both and score 10 points, or re-roll one or two of the dice and hope for a higher score. - In the second round turn, if the player instead rolled 4 4 3 1, all dice needs to be re-rolled since there is no 5.程序需要包含一下几个类.The division of responsibility between the different classes is as follows. - Die: Responsible for handling randomly generated integer values between 1 and 6. - DiceCup: Handles five objects (dice) of class Die. Has the ability to bank and release dice individually. Can also roll dice that are not banked. - ShipOfFoolsGame: Responsible for the game logic and has the ability to play a round of the game resulting in a score. Also has a property that tells what accumulated score results in a winning state, for example 21. - Player: Responsible for the score of the individual player. Has the ability, given a game logic, play a round of a game. The gained score is accumulated in the attribute score. - PlayRoom: Responsible for handling a number of players and a game. Every round the room lets each player play, and afterwards check if any player has reached the winning score.



BS ISO 2631-4 2001.pdf

Mechanical vibration and shock — Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration — Part 4: Guidelines for the evaluation of the effects of vibration and fixed-guideway transport systems.






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![matlab画柱状图]( # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** MATLAB柱状图是一种图形化工具,用于可视化数据中不同类别或组的分布情况。它通过绘制垂直条形来表示每个类别或组中的数据值。柱状图在信号处理中广泛用于可视化信号特征和进行频谱分析。 柱状图的优点在于其简单易懂,能够直观地展示数据分布。在信号处理中,柱状图可以帮助工程师识别信号中的模式、趋势和异常情况,从而为信号分析和处理提供有价值的见解。 # 2. 柱状图在信号处理中的应用 柱状图在信号处理

前端深拷贝 和浅拷贝有哪些方式,你在哪里使用过

前端深拷贝和浅拷贝的方式有很多,下面列举几种常用的方式: 深拷贝: 1. JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)),该方法可以将对象序列化为字符串,再将字符串反序列化为新的对象,从而实现深拷贝。但是该方法有一些限制,例如无法拷贝函数、RegExp等类型的数据。 2. 递归拷贝,即遍历对象的每个属性并进行拷贝,如果属性值是对象,则递归进行拷贝。 3. 使用第三方库如lodash、jQuery等提供的深拷贝方法。 浅拷贝: 1. Object.assign(target, obj1, obj2, ...),该方法可以将源对象的属性浅拷贝到目标对象中,如果有相同的属性,则会

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![MATLAB柱状图在数据分析中的作用:从可视化到洞察]( # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** 柱状图是一种广泛用于数据可视化的图表类型,它使用垂直条形来表示数据中不同类别或组别的值。在MATLAB中,柱状图通过`bar`函数创建,该函数接受数据向量或矩阵作为输入,并生成相应的高度条形。 柱状图的优点在于其简单性和易于理解性。它们可以快速有效地传达数据分布和组别之间的比较。此外,MATLAB提供了广泛的定制选项,允许用户调整条形颜色、


可以使用JSP内置标签库的<c:out>标签来展示后台返回的XML代码。具体步骤如下: 1. 在JSP页面中引入JSTL标签库:<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> 2. 在JSP页面中使用<c:out>标签展示后台返回的XML代码,示例代码如下: <c:out value="${xmlString}" escapeXml="false"/> 其中,${xmlString}为后台返回的XML代码字符串。escapeXml="false"参数表示不对XML代码进行HTML转义,保留原始代码格式