可以解释一下这段代码吗rho=sym.Symbol('rho',real=True) r=sym.Symbol('r',real=True) c=sym.Symbol('c',real=True) phi=sym.Symbol('phi',real=True) x=sym.Symbol('x',real=True) y=sym.Symbol('y',real=True)
时间: 2023-11-27 17:03:07 浏览: 69
1. 导入SymPy库,可以使用其中的符号变量和数学函数。
2. 使用`sym.Symbol()`函数创建六个符号变量rho、r、c、phi、x和y,它们都被指定为实数(real=True)。
3. 符号变量可以用于创建符号表达式,例如:
expr = rho * r**2 * c
### Problem 1: Numerical Integration and Symbolic Integral
% Define the function
rho = @(x) interp1([0 4 6 8 12 16 20], [4 3.95 3.89 3.8 3.6 3.41 3.3], x);
Ac = @(x) interp1([0 4 6 8 12 16 20], [100 103 106 110 120 133 150], x);
% Numerical integration using trapezoidal rule
x = linspace(0, 20, 1000);
mass_numerical = trapz(x, rho(x) .* Ac(x));
% Symbolic integral
syms x
rho_sym = piecewise(x < 4, 4, x < 6, 3.95, x < 8, 3.89, x < 12, 3.8, x < 16, 3.6, x < 20, 3.41, 3.3);
Ac_sym = piecewise(x < 4, 100, x < 6, 103, x < 8, 106, x < 12, 110, x < 16, 120, x < 20, 133, 150);
mass_symbolic = int(rho_sym * Ac_sym, x, 0, 20);
disp(['Numerical Mass: ', num2str(mass_numerical)]);
disp(['Symbolic Mass: ', char(mass_symbolic)]);
### Problem 2: Numerical Integration
% Data
x = [0 4 6 8 12 16 20];
rho = [4 3.95 3.89 3.8 3.6 3.41 3.3];
Ac = [100 103 106 110 120 133 150];
% Interpolation functions
rho_func = @(x) interp1(x, rho, x);
Ac_func = @(x) interp1(x, Ac, x);
% Numerical integration using trapezoidal rule
mass_numerical = trapz(x, rho_func(x) .* Ac_func(x));
disp(['Mass (grams): ', num2str(mass_numerical)]);
### Problem 3: Numerical Differentiation and Fitting
% Data
t = [0 5 15 30 45];
c = [0.75 0.594 0.42 0.291 0.223];
% Numerical differentiation
dc_dt = diff(c) ./ diff(t);
log_dc_dt = log(-dc_dt);
log_c = log(c(1:end-1));
% Linear regression
p = polyfit(log_c, log_dc_dt, 1);
n = p(1);
k = exp(p(2));
disp(['Reaction Order (n): ', num2str(n)]);
disp(['Rate Constant (k): ', num2str(k)]);
### Problem 4: Cycling Data Analysis
% Data
t = [1 2 3.25 4.5 6 7 8 8.5 9.3 10];
v = [10 12 11 14 17 16 12 14 14 10];
% Total distance and average velocity
dt = diff(t);
dv = diff(v);
total_distance = sum(dt .* (v(1:end-1) + dv/2));
average_velocity = total_distance / t(end);
disp(['Total Distance (m): ', num2str(total_distance)]);
disp(['Average Velocity (m/s): ', num2str(average_velocity)]);
% Acceleration using spline interpolation
spline_v = spline(t, v);
acceleration_spline = ppval(ppder(spline_v), t);
% Polynomial fitting
p_quad = polyfit(t, v, 2);
p_cubic = polyfit(t, v, 3);
p_quartic = polyfit(t, v, 4);
% Estimate acceleration
acceleration_quad = polyval(polyder(p_quad), t);
acceleration_cubic = polyval(polyder(p_cubic), t);
acceleration_quartic = polyval(polyder(p_quartic), t);
% Plotting
plot(t, acceleration_spline, 'r', t, acceleration_quad, 'g', t, acceleration_cubic, 'b', t, acceleration_quartic, 'm');
legend('Spline', 'Quadratic', 'Cubic', 'Quartic');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)');
title('Comparison of Acceleration Methods');
### Problem 5: Modulus of Toughness (Material Eng.)
% Stress-strain data (example data)
stress = [0 10 20 30 40 50]; % Example stress values
strain = [0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05]; % Example strain values
% Trapezoidal rule
modulus_toughness_trapezoid = trapz(strain, stress);
% Polynomial fitting and integration
p = polyfit(strain, stress, 3); % Try cubic polynomial
modulus_toughness_poly = integral(@(x) polyval(p, x), 0, max(strain));
disp(['Modulus of Toughness (Trapezoidal Rule): ', num2str(modulus_toughness_trapezoid)]);
disp(['Modulus of Toughness (Polynomial Integration): ', num2str(modulus_toughness_poly)]);
### Problem 5: Cross-sectional Area and Flow (Civil Eng.)
% Data
y = [0 1 2 3 4 5]; % Example distances from the bank
B = 10; % Total channel width (m)
H = 5; % Depth (m)
U = [1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2]; % Water velocity (m/s)
% Cross-sectional area
Ac = B * H - y.^2;
% Average flow
Q = Ac .* U;
disp(['Cross-sectional Area (m^2): ', num2str(Ac)]);
disp(['Flow (m^3/s): ', num2str(Q)]);
ADMM(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers)算法是一种求解凸优化问题的方法,它通过分解目标函数并通过交替最小化来实现求解。Sympy是一种用Python编写的符号计算库,用于执行数学计算。
import sympy as sym
# 定义符号变量
x1, x2, u1, u2 = sym.symbols('x1 x2 u1 u2')
# 定义问题的目标函数和约束条件
f = x1 ** 2 + x2 ** 2
g1 = x1 + x2 - 1
g2 = x1 - x2 + 2
# 定义ADMM算法的参数
rho = 1
MAX_ITER = 100
# 定义ADMM算法的辅助变量
x1_old, x2_old, u1_old, u2_old = 0, 0, 0, 0
# 定义ADMM算法的迭代过程
for i in range(MAX_ITER):
x1 = sym.solve(sym.diff(f + rho / 2 * (g1 + u1 - g2 - u2) ** 2, x1), x1)[0]
x2 = sym.solve(sym.diff(f + rho / 2 * (g1 + u1 - g2 - u2) ** 2, x2), x2)[0]
u1 = u1 + g1 - x1 - x2
u2 = u2 + g2 - x1 + x2
if abs(x1 - x1_old) < 1e-4 and abs(x2 - x2_old) < 1e-4 and abs(u1 - u1_old) < 1e-4 and abs(u2 - u2_old) < 1e-4:
x1_old, x2_old, u1_old, u2_old = x1, x2, u1, u2
# 打印最优解
print("Optimal solution: x1 = {}, x2 = {}".format(x1, x2))