pugi::xml_document handler;
时间: 2024-05-25 22:19:30 浏览: 225
This line of code declares a variable named "handler" of type "pugi::xml_document".
"pugi" is a third-party library for working with XML documents in C++. "xml_document" is a class provided by the library that represents an XML document.
By declaring a variable of type "pugi::xml_document", the code can create, modify, and read XML documents using the functions provided by the library.
xml确定是utf-8编码的文件,用pugi::xml_document doc;pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file("example.xml", pugi::parse_default, pugi::encoding_utf8);中文乱码
1. 确认xml文件中的中文字符是否是UTF-8编码,如果不是,需要将其转换为UTF-8编码。
2. 如果在解析过程中仍然出现中文乱码,可以尝试在load_file函数中使用pugi::encoding_auto参数:
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file("example.xml", pugi::parse_default, pugi::encoding_auto);
3. 如果上述方法无效,可以尝试使用iconv库将xml文件转换为UTF-8编码,然后再解析:
#include <iconv.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include "pugixml.hpp"
int main()
std::ifstream ifs("example.xml");
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << ifs.rdbuf();
std::string str = buffer.str();
iconv_t cd = iconv_open("UTF-8", "GB2312");
char* inbuf = (char*)str.c_str();
size_t inlen = str.length();
size_t outlen = inlen * 4;
char* outbuf = new char[outlen];
char* ptmp = outbuf;
memset(outbuf, 0, outlen);
iconv(cd, &inbuf, &inlen, &outbuf, &outlen);
std::string utf8str(ptmp);
delete[] ptmp;
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_string(utf8str.c_str());
if (result) {
std::cout << "Load xml file success!" << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "Load xml file failed!" << std::endl;
return 0;
D:\QtProject\0920\B-SimTest\Src\Common\OperateXML.cpp:2527: error: no member named 'toString' in 'pugi::xml_document'
在错误信息"D:\QtProject\0920\B-SimTest\Src\Common\OperateXML.cpp:2527: error: no member named 'toString' in 'pugi::xml_document'"中,说明您在使用pugixml库(一种轻量级的XML解析库)时遇到了问题。`pugi::xml_document` 类型并没有名为 `toString` 的成员函数。`toString` 一般是指DOM解析器如Qt的QDomDocument或类似XML文档对象提供的将XML转换为字符串的方法。
1. 使用`pugi::xml_node`的`as_string()` 或 `data()` 函数获取节点的文本内容。
2. 对整个文档使用`pugi::xml_document`的`save_copy()` 或 `save_file()` 函数将其保存到临时文件,然后读取文件内容作为字符串。
std::string xmlString;
if (!doc.save_copy(&xmlString)) {
// 处理保存失败的情况
} else {
std::cout << "XML as string: " << xmlString << std::endl;