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蓝牙beacon室内定位算法通常使用三角测量方法。该方法使用三个或更多个蓝牙beacon放置在室内,每个beacon都有一个已知的位置。当移动设备接收到beacon信号时,可以测量信号强度,从而确定设备与每个beacon之间的距离。通过这些距离,可以使用三角测量算法计算设备的位置。 另一种方法是使用指纹定位技术。该方法涉及将室内的每个位置与其周围的beacon信号强度测量相关联。然后,当移动设备接收到beacon信号时,可以测量信号强度并将其与存储在数据库中的已知信号强度进行比较,以确定设备的位置。 无论使用哪种方法,室内定位算法需要高精度的信号强度测量和位置校准,以确保准确性。此外,室内环境的复杂性和干扰可能会影响算法的准确性。


室内定位算法,有助于研究者认清研究方向,给定位算法一个准确的描述,是很好的参考教材。the possibility for the user to be notified by visible and Waveformof Distance audible warnings using buzzer and led ar to Very close to al 1903 Tme「 samples Fig 4 Distance measurement using the RSSi signal The system is used to determine the distance between Fig. 2. Tag4M Data Acquisition System tags and 2, 3, 4 or more APs. The tag scans after the aps ⅣV. EXPERIMENTS and sends the rssi values for each ap to the ap which is associated The system presented above can be used for objects or In order to read the corresponding rSsi values of all people localization in an indoor enviro found access points, a""operation is implemented at Let's suppose a building where several objects are Tag4M level. The time to scan is smaller than few distributed all over milliseconds, because the tag doesnt associate with the all For a better understanding of the system, it is showed an APs. These values are sent to a pC where the localization experiment where the objects are placed only at one floor. algorithm is implemented in LabVIFW20 10 (see Fig. 5) Each of these objects has attached a tag. The devices are Table I presents a scan operation result. In this case used to determine the location of the objects in the four APs(which are placed in the floor building)named building and the distance between tags and APs. To Hawk, Helicopter, Tag4M and WitagServer are detected measure the distance, the RSSI is processed. This method The corresponding rSSi values(in dBm) measured by the is not very accurate and is strong depended to the Tag4M are reported for every AP environment, but is very easy to implement with the TABLE 1. A SEQUENCE OF RESULTS FOR THE SCANOPERATION The Fig 3 presents the experiment environment for one EXFCUTED ON THE TAG4M DEVICE oor where the colored circles represents the APs and the rectangles represents the objects intended to be located This floor is divided in six rooms separated by walls RSSI Scan results: 4 Time Ssid Ch ad-Iloc Sec wps mac Address erp WMM SSI Supported Rates(Mbits, Mandatory) Crypto Suites CW Max/min AP SCAN. llawk. -57 dBm AP SCAN, Helicopter, -50 dBm, AP SCAN, Tag4M.-68 dBm AP SCAN. WitagServer. -45 dBm The Rssi values are converted to distance values using formula(1) The value of the received signal strength is a function of the transmitted power and the distance between the Fig 3. The Experiment Environment sender and the receiver. The received signal strength will decrease when the distance increases as the following First step in finding the location is distance equation shows [23] measurement using the RSSI signal. The experiment for computing the distance is presented in Fig. 4. The RSSI(IOn- logo+A)(1) experimental precisions of measurements are less than 5 meters Where: lal propagation constant al d propagation exponent. d represents the distance from sender, A represents the received signal strength at a distance of one meter worn even by people. The system runs on batterie w sSID having a characteristic life time of a couple of years and 回H offers a platform for sensor measurements. Thus, the system can use any existent infrastructure, with significant decrease of implementation costs REFERENCES [1] H. Liu, H. Darabi, P. Banerjee and J. Liu, ""Survey of wireless Distance 2 Tn] aRch Indoor Positioning Techniques and SystemS", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS. MAN. AND CYBERNETICS-PART C: APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS VOL 37, NO 6, NOVEMBER 2007, pp. 1067-10801 Distance 3[] [2 Want, A. Hopper, V. FalcaO, J. Gibbons, "The Active Budge 4MDastDct v Location System, ACM Transactions on Information Systems vol. 10, no l, January 1992, pp 91-102. Fig. 5. Block Diagram of the localization program [3] Firefly Motion Tracking System User's guide", vcrsion 2.2 December 1999 http://www.gesturecentral.com/firefly/fireflyuserguide.pdf The application compute the distances between the Wi- [4] Northen Digilal Inc. Website, Oplotrak PROseries, 2011 Fi Tags placed on targets and the APs placed in indoor http:/www.ndigital.com/industrial/optotrakproseries-family.php [5] E. Aitenbichler, M. Mhlhuser, An /R Local Positioning System for environment. For this case, three APs are enough but the Smart Items and Devices Proc. 23rd IEEE Internationa number of Aps can be increased for obtaining more Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops accurate position estimation. The distances between the TWSAWC03), 2003 Wi-fiTagsandeachAparerepresentedascirclesasit[6]topaz,2004,http:/www.tadlys.co.il/pAges/productcontent.asp?igi bald=2 can be seen in Fig. 6, having the centre in the AP locations [7 A. Kotanen, M. Hannikainen, H. Leppakoski, and T. D which have previously known coordinates. The target's Hamalaincn, E.cperiments on local positioning with Bluetoothin position is given by the point at the intersection of the Proc. IEEE Int Conf. Inf. Technol. Comput. Commun., Apr 2003 three circles PP.297-303 [8 J. Hallberg, M. Nilsson, and k. Synnes, "Positioning with Bluetooth"in Proc. Ieee 10th Int Conf. Telecommun. Mar. 2003 ol.2,pp.954958 9 Active bat website. 2008 http:/www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research!dtg/attarchive/bat/ [10] Hazas, M, Hopper, A, "A Novel Brucdbund Ultrasonic Locution System for Improved Indoor Positioning IEEE Transactions on mobile Computing. Vol 5, No 5, May 2006 [11 N B Priyantha, The Cricket Indoor Location System", PhD thes MIT.2005 2]SonitorSystemWebsite2011,http://www.sonitor.com/ [13] Minami M, Fukuju Y, Hirasawa K, Yokoyama S, Mizumachi M Aoyama T ,"Dolphin. A practical approach for implementing a fully distributed indoor ultrasonic positioning system", Ubicomp, 2004, 347-365 Fig. 6. Front Panel of the localization program 14]J. Ilightower, R. Want, and G. borriello, SpotON: An indoor 3D cation sensing technology hased on RF signal strength"Univ The simplicity and cost efficiency of the rssi based Washington, Seattle, Tech Rep UW CSE 2000-02-02, Feb. 2000 localization make the proposed system a desired candidate 15]L. M. Ni, Y. Liu, Y. C. Lau, and A. P. Patil,"LANDMARC: Indoor location sensing using active RFID Wireless Netw., vol 10, no 6 for specific applications like tracking and positioning svstems hP.701-70.N0v.200 Zebra Technologies Corporation eb sit http://www.7ebra.com/id/zebra/na/en/index/products/location/isoie c 24730 2html V. CONCLUSION [17 P. Bahl and V. Padmanabhan, "RADAR: An in-building rf based user location and tracking system, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, voL 2 In this paper, an indoor localization system based on March200,pp.775784 ultra-low power Wi-Fi technology and designed to 18Ekahau2011,http://www.ekahau.com: [19] T. King, S. Kopf, T. Haenselmann, C. Lubberger and w determine location of objects in a closed environment is Effelsberg, "COMPASS: A Probabilistic Indoor Positioning System proposed gILo rOC In the first part of this paper a survey of existing indoor Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation and Cllaracterization (WiNTECID), Los Angeles, CA, USA positioning systems was made In the second part was presented the way in which an [20] Convert sensor data to web pages using a Cloud Instrument, june object can be localized by using access points and Tag 4M 2011.http://www.tag4m.com devices which may read the rssi values [21Tag4mDatasheet2010,http://test.tag4m.com/wp- content/uploads/20/03/Tag4M Prod Datasheet Revised3. pdf The importance of the proposed system lies in ultra-low [22] Aamodt, K.(2006). 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蓝牙定位算法是通过蓝牙设备之间的信号强度和距离信息,来确定当前设备的位置。常用的蓝牙定位算法有trilateration、triangulation和fingerprinting等。 八、蓝牙定位系统的应用 蓝牙定位系统可以应用于各种场景,...


PHY6202 蓝牙 4.0 组网替代 NRF51822 PHY6202 是一款超低功耗蓝牙芯片,能够替代 NRF51822/51802,并且是少数可以用于蓝牙 4.0 组网的芯片之一。该芯片具有 ARM Cortex-M0 32 位处理器,512/256KB 闪存、128KB ROM ...




资源摘要信息: "C语言编程题之数组操作高度检查器" C语言是一种广泛使用的编程语言,它以其强大的功能和对低级操作的控制而闻名。数组是C语言中一种基本的数据结构,用于存储相同类型数据的集合。数组操作包括创建、初始化、访问和修改元素以及数组的其他高级操作,如排序、搜索和删除。本资源名为“c语言编程题之数组操作高度检查器.zip”,它很可能是一个围绕数组操作的编程实践,具体而言是设计一个程序来检查数组中元素的高度。在这个上下文中,“高度”可能是对数组中元素值的一个比喻,或者特定于某个应用场景下的一个术语。 知识点1:C语言基础 C语言编程题之数组操作高度检查器涉及到了C语言的基础知识点。它要求学习者对C语言的数据类型、变量声明、表达式、控制结构(如if、else、switch、循环控制等)有清晰的理解。此外,还需要掌握C语言的标准库函数使用,这些函数是处理数组和其他数据结构不可或缺的部分。 知识点2:数组的基本概念 数组是C语言中用于存储多个相同类型数据的结构。它提供了通过索引来访问和修改各个元素的方式。数组的大小在声明时固定,之后不可更改。理解数组的这些基本特性对于编写有效的数组操作程序至关重要。 知识点3:数组的创建与初始化 在C语言中,创建数组时需要指定数组的类型和大小。例如,创建一个整型数组可以使用int arr[10];语句。数组初始化可以在声明时进行,也可以在之后使用循环或单独的赋值语句进行。初始化对于定义检查器程序的初始状态非常重要。 知识点4:数组元素的访问与修改 通过使用数组索引(下标),可以访问数组中特定位置的元素。在C语言中,数组索引从0开始。修改数组元素则涉及到了将新值赋给特定索引位置的操作。在编写数组操作程序时,需要频繁地使用这些操作来实现功能。 知识点5:数组高级操作 除了基本的访问和修改之外,数组的高级操作包括排序、搜索和删除。这些操作在很多实际应用中都有广泛用途。例如,检查器程序可能需要对数组中的元素进行排序,以便于进行高度检查。搜索功能用于查找特定值的元素,而删除操作则用于移除数组中的元素。 知识点6:编程实践与问题解决 标题中提到的“高度检查器”暗示了一个具体的应用场景,可能涉及到对数组中元素的某种度量或标准进行判断。编写这样的程序不仅需要对数组操作有深入的理解,还需要将这些操作应用于解决实际问题。这要求编程者具备良好的逻辑思维能力和问题分析能力。 总结:本资源"c语言编程题之数组操作高度检查器.zip"是一个关于C语言数组操作的实际应用示例,它结合了编程实践和问题解决的综合知识点。通过实现一个针对数组元素“高度”检查的程序,学习者可以加深对数组基础、数组操作以及C语言编程技巧的理解。这种类型的编程题目对于提高编程能力和逻辑思维能力都有显著的帮助。


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基于Swift开发的嘉定单车LBS iOS应用项目解析

资源摘要信息:"嘉定单车汇(IOS app).zip" 从标题和描述中,我们可以得知这个压缩包文件包含的是一套基于iOS平台的移动应用程序的开发成果。这个应用是由一群来自同济大学软件工程专业的学生完成的,其核心功能是利用位置服务(LBS)技术,面向iOS用户开发的单车共享服务应用。接下来将详细介绍所涉及的关键知识点。 首先,提到的iOS平台意味着应用是为苹果公司的移动设备如iPhone、iPad等设计和开发的。iOS是苹果公司专有的操作系统,与之相对应的是Android系统,另一个主要的移动操作系统平台。iOS应用通常是用Swift语言或Objective-C(OC)编写的,这在标签中也得到了印证。 Swift是苹果公司在2014年推出的一种新的编程语言,用于开发iOS和macOS应用程序。Swift的设计目标是与Objective-C并存,并最终取代后者。Swift语言拥有现代编程语言的特性,包括类型安全、内存安全、简化的语法和强大的表达能力。因此,如果一个项目是使用Swift开发的,那么它应该会利用到这些特性。 Objective-C是苹果公司早前主要的编程语言,用于开发iOS和macOS应用程序。尽管Swift现在是主要的开发语言,但仍然有许多现存项目和开发者在使用Objective-C。Objective-C语言集成了C语言与Smalltalk风格的消息传递机制,因此它通常被认为是一种面向对象的编程语言。 LBS(Location-Based Services,位置服务)是基于位置信息的服务。LBS可以用来为用户提供地理定位相关的信息服务,例如导航、社交网络签到、交通信息、天气预报等。本项目中的LBS功能可能包括定位用户位置、查找附近的单车、计算骑行路线等功能。 从文件名称列表来看,包含的三个文件分别是: 1. ios期末项目文档.docx:这份文档可能是对整个iOS项目的设计思路、开发过程、实现的功能以及遇到的问题和解决方案等进行的详细描述。对于理解项目的背景、目标和实施细节至关重要。 2. 移动应用开发项目期末答辩.pptx:这份PPT文件应该是为项目答辩准备的演示文稿,里面可能包括项目的概览、核心功能演示、项目亮点以及团队成员介绍等。这可以作为了解项目的一个快速入门方式,尤其是对项目的核心价值和技术难点有直观的认识。 3. LBS-ofo期末项目源码.zip:这是项目的源代码压缩包,包含了完成单车汇项目所需的全部Swift或Objective-C代码。源码对于理解项目背后的逻辑和实现细节至关重要,同时也是评估项目质量、学习最佳实践、复用或扩展功能的基础。 综合上述信息,"嘉定单车汇(IOS app).zip"不仅仅是一个应用程序的压缩包,它还代表了一个团队在软件工程项目中的完整工作流程,包含了项目文档、演示材料和实际编码,为学习和评估提供了一个很好的案例。


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