-MD -MP -MF ..d -MT -c -o explain this command by examples
时间: 2023-08-04 15:03:20 浏览: 150
This command is used for generating dependency files during the compilation process in C/C++ programming. Here is an explanation of each parameter:
- `-MD`: This parameter tells the compiler to generate dependency files in the Makefile format. These files are used to track dependencies between source files and header files.
- `-MP`: This parameter generates a phony target for each header file dependency, which ensures that the Makefile won't fail if a header file is deleted or renamed.
- `-MF ..d`: This parameter specifies the name of the dependency file to be generated. In this example, the dependency file will be named "..d".
- `-MT`: This parameter specifies the name of the target to be built. In this example, the target will be named according to the object file being generated.
- `-c`: This parameter tells the compiler to generate an object file, but not to link it with other object files to create an executable.
- `-o`: This parameter specifies the name of the object file to be generated.
Here is an example command:
gcc -MD -MP -MF main.d -MT main.o -c main.c -o main.o
This command compiles the source file "main.c" into an object file named "main.o". It also generates a dependency file named "main.d" that tracks the dependencies between "main.c" and any included header files.