时间: 2023-11-09 16:08:05 浏览: 89
This line of code is used to parse the command-line arguments. It uses the argparse module in Python to define the arguments that the program expects to receive and to parse them. The arguments are defined using the add_argument() method, and the parse_args() method is then called to extract the values of the arguments from the command line. The parsed arguments are returned as an object that can be used to access the values of the arguments.
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args = parser.parse_args()
这行代码使用 argparse 模块来解析命令行参数,并将解析结果存储在 args 变量中。通常会在 Python 脚本中使用这个模块来方便地处理命令行参数。具体来说,parser 是一个 argparse.ArgumentParser 对象,调用其 parse_args() 方法即可解析命令行参数。