The authenticity of host 'master01-node01-hadoopnamenode1 (' can't be established
时间: 2024-04-25 14:25:54 浏览: 101
这是 SSH 连接时的安全提示信息,表示你首次连接到该主机,需要确认该主机的身份信息是否正确。在确认身份信息之前,你无法进行 SSH 连接。
通常,你可以通过查看主机的公钥指纹来确认其身份信息。如果公钥指纹与你预期的一致,你可以选择添加该主机的公钥到你的本地 SSH 客户端的已知主机列表中,以后再次连接时就不需要再次确认身份信息。
例如,当你首次连接到一个名为 "master01-node01-hadoopnamenode1" 的主机时,SSH 客户端会显示以下信息:
The authenticity of host 'master01-node01-hadoopnamenode1 (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
其中,"ECDSA key fingerprint" 是该主机的公钥指纹,你可以将其与主机管理员提供的指纹进行比较。如果一致,你可以输入 "yes" 确认身份信息并添加该主机到已知主机列表中。
The authenticity of host 'ecs-030403-0002 (' can't be established.
This message indicates that the SSH client is connecting to a remote host for the first time and does not have the host key fingerprint stored in its known_hosts file.
To resolve this issue, you can verify the authenticity of the host by comparing the host key fingerprint provided by the SSH server to the one stored in your known_hosts file. If they match, you can proceed with connecting to the remote host.
Alternatively, you can add the host key fingerprint to your known_hosts file by accepting the prompt to do so when connecting to the remote host for the first time. This will prevent future warnings about the authenticity of the host.
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
"The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established"是一个SSH连接时的警告信息。这个警告信息是由于第一次连接远程主机时,系统无法确认主机的身份验证信息而产生的。SSH会根据主机的指纹验证身份,以确保连接的安全性。在你连接到远程主机时,系统会显示主机的RSA key fingerprint,你需要确认是否继续连接。如果你确定这是你要连接的主机,你可以输入"yes"来继续连接。这样,系统就会将主机的身份验证信息添加到你的known_hosts文件中,以便以后连接时自动进行验证。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span>
#### 引用[.reference_title]
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