xml-maven-plugin 的 官方文档
时间: 2023-09-03 17:06:56 浏览: 203
您好,以下是 xml-maven-plugin 的官方文档:
The XML Maven Plugin provides goals to manipulate XML files.
Goals Overview
* `transform`: Transforms an XML file using XSLT. It supports both a file and directory as input and output.
### `transform` goal
Transforms an XML file using XSLT. It supports both a file and directory as input and output.
#### Parameters
* `source`: The source XML file or directory. If a directory is specified, all files in the directory matching the `includes` and `excludes` parameters will be processed.
* `output`: The output file or directory. If a directory is specified, the output file names will be derived from the input file names, by replacing the original file extension with the one specified in the `extension` parameter. If no `extension` is specified, the original file extension will be kept.
* `stylesheet`: The XSLT stylesheet to apply.
* `includes`: Comma-separated list of file name patterns to include. The default is `**/*.xml`.
* `excludes`: Comma-separated list of file name patterns to exclude. The default is nothing.
* `extension`: The file extension to use for the output files. If not specified, the original file extension will be kept.
#### Example
This example transforms all XML files in the `src/main/resources/xml` directory, except for `example.xml`, using the `src/main/resources/xslt/transform.xslt` stylesheet, and outputs the results to the `${project.build.directory}/transformed-xml` directory, with the `.html` extension.