时间: 2024-06-05 21:12:12 浏览: 234
1. Simulator:使用Keil5自带的模拟器进行仿真调试。
2. Debug Adapter:使用外部的调试适配器(如Keil ULINK系列、J-Link等)进行硬件调试。
3. Custom:使用用户自定义的调试适配器进行硬件调试。
在Keil MDK中,您可以通过以下步骤使用Debug串口:
1. 在您的工程中添加串口驱动程序,并将其配置为Debug串口。可以在“Device Configuration Wizard”中选择您的MCU型号,并为其选择正确的串口。
2. 在“Options for Target”对话框中,选择“Debug”选项卡。在“Settings”下拉列表中,选择“Debug(printf)Viewer”选项。
3. 在代码中添加以下代码以初始化Debug串口:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rt_misc.h>
#pragma import(__use_no_semihosting_swi)
struct __FILE { int handle; /* Add whatever you need here */ };
FILE __stdout;
void _sys_exit(int x)
x = x;
int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
return (sendchar(ch));
void init_debug(void)
SER_Init(); /* Initialize the serial port */
stdout = &__stdout; /* Send all printf statements to the serial port */
4. 在main()函数中调用init_debug()函数以初始化Debug串口。
5. 在代码中使用printf()函数来输出调试信息,例如:
printf("Hello, Debug!\r\n");
6. 在“Debug(printf)Viewer”窗口中查看输出信息。您可以在窗口下方的文本框中输入命令,并通过右侧的“Send”按钮发送给目标设备。
希望这些步骤可以帮助您在Keil MDK中使用Debug串口进行调试。
keil no debug unite is selected
This error message typically occurs when you try to start a debug session in Keil without selecting a debug unit. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
1. In the Keil IDE, go to the "Project" menu and select "Options for Target."
2. In the "Target" tab, select the "Debug" category.
3. Under the "Use" section, select the appropriate debug unit for your target hardware. This may be a hardware debugger like J-Link or a simulator like the Keil Simulator.
4. Click "OK" to save your changes.
5. Now you can start a debug session by clicking on the "Start/Stop Debug Session" button in the toolbar or by pressing F5 on your keyboard.
If you still encounter issues, make sure that your target hardware is properly connected and powered on. You may also need to check your debug settings and make sure that they are configured correctly for your specific hardware.