时间: 2023-07-14 09:14:09 浏览: 121
import numpy as np
def region_growing(image, threshold):
:param image: 原始图像,二维numpy数组
:param threshold: 生长阈值
:return: 连通域列表,每个连通域包含其像素坐标和质心坐标
# 初始化
rows, cols = image.shape
visited = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=bool)
regions = []
# 区域生长算法
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
if not visited[i, j]:
region = []
queue = [(i, j)]
visited[i, j] = True
while queue:
x, y = queue.pop(0)
region.append((x, y))
if x > 0 and not visited[x-1, y] and abs(image[x, y] - image[x-1, y]) < threshold:
queue.append((x-1, y))
visited[x-1, y] = True
if x < rows-1 and not visited[x+1, y] and abs(image[x, y] - image[x+1, y]) < threshold:
queue.append((x+1, y))
visited[x+1, y] = True
if y > 0 and not visited[x, y-1] and abs(image[x, y] - image[x, y-1]) < threshold:
queue.append((x, y-1))
visited[x, y-1] = True
if y < cols-1 and not visited[x, y+1] and abs(image[x, y] - image[x, y+1]) < threshold:
queue.append((x, y+1))
visited[x, y+1] = True
if len(region) > 0:
region = np.array(region)
centroid = np.mean(region, axis=0)
regions.append({'pixels': region, 'centroid': centroid})
return regions