时间: 2023-11-03 22:01:09 浏览: 117
function [matching, cost] = hungarian(cost_matrix)
% HUNGARIAN Solve the Assignment problem using the Hungarian method.
% [MATCHING, COST] = HUNGARIAN(COST_MATRIX) returns the optimal assignment
% of the rows of COST_MATRIX to the columns, along with the total cost.
% COST_MATRIX should be a square matrix of costs.
% Adapted from code by Yi Cao at Cranfield University, UK.
% See http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/6543.
% Example:
% >> cost_matrix = [20 10 30; 12 40 60; 40 30 20];
% >> [matching, cost] = hungarian(cost_matrix)
% matching =
% 1 2 3
% 2 1 3
% 3 1 2
% cost =
% 40
% Step 0: Preliminaries
n = size(cost_matrix, 1);
if any(size(cost_matrix) ~= n)
error('COST_MATRIX must be square.');
% Step 1: Subtract the row minimums from each row
cost_matrix = bsxfun(@minus, cost_matrix, min(cost_matrix, [], 2));
% Step 2: Subtract the column minimums from each column
cost_matrix = bsxfun(@minus, cost_matrix, min(cost_matrix, [], 1));
% Step 3: Find a zero of cost_matrix. If there are no starred zeros in its
% row or column, star this zero. Repeat for each zero.
row_covered = false(1, n);
col_covered = false(1, n);
starred_zeros = false(n);
while any(~starred_zeros(:))
[r, c] = find(~starred_zeros, 1);
if isempty(r)
if ~row_covered(r) && ~col_covered(c)
starred_zeros(r, c) = true;
row_covered(r) = true;
col_covered(c) = true;
starred_zeros(r, c) = false;
while true
% Step 4: Find a noncovered zero and prime it
primed_zeros = false(n);
cover_sum = sum(row_covered) + sum(col_covered);
if cover_sum == n
[r, c] = find(cost_matrix .* ~row_covered .* ~col_covered == 0, 1);
primed_zeros(r, c) = true;
% Step 5: If there is no starred zero in the row of the primed zero, go
% to Step 6. Otherwise, cover this row and uncover the column
% containing the starred zero. Continue in this manner until
% there are no uncovered starred zeros left. Save the smallest
% uncovered value and go to Step 7.
z = 1;
path = sub2ind([n n], r(ones(1, n)), z:n);
while true
starred = any(starred_zeros(path), 1);
if any(starred)
c = find(starred_zeros(r, :));
r = find(starred_zeros(:, c), 1);
path(z+1:end) = sub2ind([n n], r(ones(1, n-z)), z+1:n);
z = z + 1;
min_uncovered = min(cost_matrix(~row_covered, ~col_covered));
% Step 6: Add the smallest uncovered value to every element of each
% covered row, and subtract it from every element of each
% uncovered column. Return to Step 4 without altering any stars
% or primes.
cost_matrix(row_covered, :) = cost_matrix(row_covered, :) + min_uncovered;
cost_matrix(:, col_covered) = cost_matrix(:, col_covered) - min_uncovered;
% Step 4 (revisited)
primed_zeros(r, c) = true;
% Step 7: Construct a series of alternating primed and starred zeros as
% follows. Let Z0 represent the uncovered primed zero found in
% Step 4. Let Z1 denote the starred zero in the column of Z0
% (if any). Let Z2 denote the primed zero in the row of Z1 (there
% will always be one). Continue until the series terminates at a
% prime zero that has no starred zero in its column. Unstar each
% starred zero of the series, star each primed zero of the series,
% erase all primes and uncover every line in the matrix. Return
% to Step 3.
path = [sub2ind([n n], r, c) path];
while true
primed = any(primed_zeros(:, path(end)), 2);
if any(primed)
r = find(primed);
c = find(starred_zeros(r, :));
path = [path sub2ind([n n], r, c)];
starred_zeros(r, c) = true;
path = [path sub2ind([n n], r, c)];
starred_zeros(starred_zeros & primed_zeros) = false;
primed_zeros(:) = false;
row_covered(:) = false;
col_covered(:) = false;
matching = starred_zeros;
cost = sum(cost_matrix(matching));