分析一下这篇文献Reasoning with Language Model Prompting: A Survey
时间: 2024-01-24 18:19:32 浏览: 178
这篇文献 "Reasoning with Language Model Prompting: A Survey" 是一篇综述性的论文,主要介绍了近年来在 NLP 领域中,利用语言模型提示(Language Model Prompting)进行推理的技术和方法。该文献的主要贡献在于系统地梳理了这一领域的研究进展,提供了一个全面的视角,帮助读者了解该领域的主要问题、挑战和解决方案。
接着,该文献介绍了语言模型提示在不同的 NLP 任务中的应用,包括文本分类、命名实体识别、关系抽取、机器翻译、问答系统等。通过这些案例,读者可以了解到语言模型提示在不同任务中的效果和应用情况。
complex knowledge base question answering:A survey
Sure, I can help with that. Complex knowledge base question answering refers to the task of answering questions that require deep understanding and reasoning capabilities to extract information from large knowledge bases. This is a challenging task for artificial intelligence, but recent developments in natural language processing and machine learning have greatly improved the ability of AI systems to effectively answer complex questions from knowledge bases. Do you have any specific questions in mind related to complex knowledge base question answering?