Analysis of Linear-Frequency-Modulation Pulse Compression Waveform Performance in the Presence of Phase Noise

时间: 2024-04-22 20:22:40 浏览: 30
这篇论文的信息如下: - 作者:K. C. Ho and Y. T. Lo - 发表时间:1976年 - 期刊名称:IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 您可以在IEEE Xplore Digital Library等数据库中查找该文章。同时,您也可以尝试使用一些学术搜索引擎,例如Google Scholar或者百度学术,进行查找。希望这些信息对您有所帮助。


LFM(线性调频信号)的相位噪声通常可以通过相位噪声功率谱密度(Phase Noise Power Spectral Density,PNPSD)来描述。关于LFM信号的相位噪声相关的参考文献有: 1. "Analysis of Linear-Frequency-Modulation Pulse Compression Waveform Performance in the Presence of Phase Noise" by F. Nie, B. Wang, W. Wang, and W. Hong, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 2809-2823, Dec. 2016. 2. "Phase noise analysis for linear frequency modulation radar based on Wiener filtering method" by W. Wang, B. Wang, F. Nie, and W. Hong, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-85, Jan. 2016. 3. "Performance analysis of LFM signal based on phase noise model" by Z. Wu, L. Wang, and Z. Wang, IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing, pp. 918-922, Oct. 2010. 这些文献中提到了不同的相位噪声模型和计算方法,可以根据具体应用需求选择适合的方法进行分析。

Analysis and simulation of synchronization performance of direct sequence spread spectrum system based on matlab

Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is a modulation technique used in wireless communication systems to enhance the resistance to interference and increase the security of the communication. In this technique, the data signal is spread over a wider frequency band by multiplying it with a code sequence. The receiver then uses the same code sequence to despread the received signal and recover the original data. In order to achieve synchronization between the transmitter and receiver in a DSSS system, the receiver must synchronize its code sequence with the transmitter's code sequence. This synchronization can be achieved by using a synchronization code or by using a tracking loop. Matlab is a powerful tool for analyzing and simulating the performance of DSSS systems. It provides a wide range of functions and tools for implementing and testing DSSS systems. To analyze and simulate the synchronization performance of a DSSS system in Matlab, the following steps can be followed: 1. Design the DSSS system: This involves designing the spreading and despreading codes, the modulation scheme, and the receiver structure. 2. Generate the transmitted signal: Use Matlab functions to generate the transmitted signal by spreading the data signal with the spreading code. 3. Add noise: Add white Gaussian noise to the transmitted signal to simulate the effects of interference. 4. Implement the receiver: Implement the receiver structure in Matlab, including the synchronization code or tracking loop. 5. Perform synchronization: Use Matlab functions to perform synchronization between the transmitter and receiver. 6. Evaluate performance: Evaluate the performance of the DSSS system by calculating the bit error rate (BER) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for different levels of interference and synchronization. 7. Optimize performance: Use Matlab tools to optimize the performance of the DSSS system by adjusting parameters such as the spreading code length, modulation scheme, and receiver structure. Overall, Matlab provides a powerful and flexible platform for analyzing and simulating the performance of DSSS systems, including the synchronization performance. By following the above steps and using Matlab's tools and functions, it is possible to design and optimize a robust and efficient DSSS system for wireless communication applications.


回答下面问题Part 1: Multiple Choice Questions (2 points each, total 20 points) Choose the best answer for each question. 1.Which of the following is NOT a passive component? a) resistor b) capacitor c) inductor d) transistor 2.What is the primary purpose of modulation in communication systems? a) to reduce noise b) to increase the frequency of the signal c) to improve the quality of the signal d) to transmit the signal over long distances 3.What is the purpose of a voltage regulator? a) to amplify the voltage of the input signal b) to regulate the output voltage to a constant level c) to provide DC power to the load d) to convert AC power to DC power 4.Which theorem is used to simplify complex circuits for analysis? a) Kirchhoff's law b) The venin's theorem c) Faraday's law d) Ohm's law 5.What is the function of a decoder circuit? a) to convert digital signals into analogue signals b) to convert analogue signals into digital signals c) to select one of several output signals based on the input code d) to amplify signals to a higher power level 6.Which is an advantage of using optical fibers over copper wires in communication systems? a) higher cost b) higher bandwidth c) higher resistance to interference d) easier installation and maintenance 7.What does a low-pass filter do? a) allows low-frequency signals to pass through b) allows high-frequency signals to pass through c) blocks all signals above a certain frequency d) blocks all signals below a certain frequency 8.Which type of transistor has higher input impedance: common-emitter or common-base? a) common-emitter b) common-base c) they have the same input impedance d) it depends on the specific circuit configuration 9.What is the function of a mixer in radio communication systems? a) to amplify the received signal b) to combine two or more signals of different frequencies c) to filter out unwanted signals d) to transmit the signal over long distances 10.Which of the following is NOT a type of noise in electronic circuits? a) shot noise b) thermal noise c) cosmic noise d) flicker noise

Unlike the classical encryption schemes,keys are dispensable in certain PLS technigues, known as the keyless secure strat egy. Sophisticated signal processing techniques such as arti- ficial noise, beamforming,and diversitycan be developed to ensure the secrecy of the MC networks.In the Alice-Bob-Eve model, Alice is the legitimate transmitter, whose intended target is the legitimate receiver Bob,while Eve is the eavesdropper that intercepts the information from Alice to Bob.The secrecy performance is quantified via information leakagei.ethe dif ference of the mutual information between the Alice-Bob and Alice-Eve links. The upper bound of the information leakage is called secrecy capacity realized by a specific distribution of the input symbols, namely,capacity-achieving distribution.The secrecy performance of the diffusion-based MC system with concentration shift keying(CSK)is analyzed from an informa- tion-theoretical point of view,providing two paramount secrecy metrics, i.e., secrecy capacity and secure distance[13].How ever, only the estimation of lower bound secrecy capacity is derived as both links attain their channel capacity.The secrecy capacity highly depends on the system parameters such as the average signal energy,diffusion coefficientand reception duration. Moreover, the distance between the transmitter and the eavesdropper is also an important aspect of secrecy per- formance. For both amplitude and energy detection schemes secure distance is proposed as a secret metricover which the eavesdropper is incapable of signal recovery. Despite the case with CSK,the results of the secure metrics vary with the modulation type(e.g.pulse position,spacetype) and reception mechanism(e.g.passive,partially absorbingper fectly absorbing).For ease of understanding,Figure 3 depicts the modulation types and the corresponding CIRs with different reception mechanisms. Novel signa processing techniques and the biochemical channel properties can further assist the secrecy enhancement in the MC system.The molecular beam forming that avoids information disclosure can be realized via the flow generated in the channel.Besidesnew dimensions of diversity, such as the aforementioned molecular diversity of ionic compounds, can beexploited. Note that the feasibility of these methods can be validated by the derived secrecy metrics.



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本篇文档是关于数据结构课程设计中的一个项目,名为“排序算法比较”。学生针对专业班级的课程作业,选择对不同排序算法进行比较和实现。以下是主要内容的详细解析: 1. **设计题目**:该课程设计的核心任务是研究和实现几种常见的排序算法,如直接插入排序和冒泡排序,并通过模块化编程的方法来组织代码,提高代码的可读性和复用性。 2. **运行环境**:学生在Windows操作系统下,利用Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0开发环境进行编程。这表明他们将利用C语言进行算法设计,并且这个环境支持高效的性能测试和调试。 3. **算法设计思想**:采用模块化编程策略,将排序算法拆分为独立的子程序,比如`direct`和`bubble_sort`,分别处理直接插入排序和冒泡排序。每个子程序根据特定的数据结构和算法逻辑进行实现。整体上,算法设计强调的是功能的分块和预想功能的顺序组合。 4. **流程图**:文档包含流程图,可能展示了程序设计的步骤、数据流以及各部分之间的交互,有助于理解算法执行的逻辑路径。 5. **算法设计分析**:模块化设计使得程序结构清晰,每个子程序仅在被调用时运行,节省了系统资源,提高了效率。此外,这种设计方法增强了程序的扩展性,方便后续的修改和维护。 6. **源代码示例**:提供了两个排序函数的代码片段,一个是`direct`函数实现直接插入排序,另一个是`bubble_sort`函数实现冒泡排序。这些函数的实现展示了如何根据算法原理操作数组元素,如交换元素位置或寻找合适的位置插入。 总结来说,这个课程设计要求学生实际应用数据结构知识,掌握并实现两种基础排序算法,同时通过模块化编程的方式展示算法的实现过程,提升他们的编程技巧和算法理解能力。通过这种方式,学生可以深入理解排序算法的工作原理,同时学会如何优化程序结构,提高程序的性能和可维护性。


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![stm32单片机小车]( # 1. STM32单片机简介及基础** STM32单片机是意法半导体公司推出的基于ARM Cortex-M内核的高性能微控制器系列。它具有低功耗、高性能、丰富的外设资源等特点,广泛应用于工业控制、物联网、汽车电子等领域。 STM32单片机的基础架构包括CPU内核、存储器、外设接口和时钟系统。其中,CPU内核负责执行指令,存储器用于存储程序和数据,外设接口提供与外部设备的连接,时钟系统为单片机提供稳定的时钟信号。 S


Dev-C++ 是一个基于 Mingw-w64 的免费 C++ 编程环境,主要用于 Windows 平台。如果你想监视程序的运行情况,比如查看内存使用、CPU 使用率、日志输出等,Dev-C++ 本身并不直接提供监视工具,但它可以在编写代码时结合第三方工具来实现。 1. **Task Manager**:Windows 自带的任务管理器可以用来实时监控进程资源使用,包括 CPU 占用、内存使用等。只需打开任务管理器(Ctrl+Shift+Esc 或右键点击任务栏),然后找到你的程序即可。 2. **Visual Studio** 或 **Code::Blocks**:如果你习惯使用更专业的


"该文档是关于数据结构课程设计的一个项目分析,主要关注使用哈夫曼树实现文件的压缩和解压缩。项目旨在开发一个实用的压缩程序系统,包含两个可执行文件,分别适用于DOS和Windows操作系统。设计目标中强调了软件的性能特点,如高效压缩、二级缓冲技术、大文件支持以及友好的用户界面。此外,文档还概述了程序的主要函数及其功能,包括哈夫曼编码、索引编码和解码等关键操作。" 在数据结构课程设计中,哈夫曼树是一种重要的数据结构,常用于数据压缩。哈夫曼树,也称为最优二叉树,是一种带权重的二叉树,它的构造原则是:树中任一非叶节点的权值等于其左子树和右子树的权值之和,且所有叶节点都在同一层上。在这个文件压缩程序中,哈夫曼树被用来生成针对文件中字符的最优编码,以达到高效的压缩效果。 1. 压缩过程: - 首先,程序统计文件中每个字符出现的频率,构建哈夫曼树。频率高的字符对应较短的编码,反之则对应较长的编码。这样可以使得频繁出现的字符用较少的位来表示,从而降低存储空间。 - 接着,使用哈夫曼编码将原始文件中的字符转换为对应的编码序列,完成压缩。 2. 解压缩过程: - 在解压缩时,程序需要重建哈夫曼树,并根据编码序列还原出原来的字符序列。这涉及到索引编码和解码,通过递归函数如`indexSearch`和`makeIndex`实现。 - 为了提高效率,程序采用了二级缓冲技术,它能减少磁盘I/O次数,提高读写速度。 3. 软件架构: - 项目包含了两个可执行文件,`DosHfm.exe`适用于DOS系统,体积小巧,运行速度快;而`WinHfm.exe`则为Windows环境设计,提供了更友好的图形界面。 - 程序支持最大4GB的文件压缩,这是Fat32文件系统的限制。 4. 性能特点: - 除了基本的压缩和解压缩功能外,软件还提供了一些额外的特性,如显示压缩进度、文件一致性检查等。 - 哈夫曼编码的使用提高了压缩率,而二级缓冲技术使压缩速度提升了75%以上。 这个项目不仅展示了数据结构在实际问题中的应用,还体现了软件工程的实践,包括需求分析、概要设计以及关键算法的实现。通过这样的课程设计,学生可以深入理解数据结构和算法的重要性,并掌握实际编程技能。


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![STM32单片机小车硬件优化策略:优化硬件设计,让小车更稳定更可靠]( # 1. STM32单片机小车硬件优化策略概述 STM32单片机小车在实际应用中,硬件优化至关重要。本文将深入探讨STM32单片机小车硬件优化策略,从硬件设计、元器件选型、安装、调试、可靠性到维护等方面进行全面的分析,旨在帮助开发者提升小车的性能、稳定性和使用寿命。 # 2. 硬件设计优化 硬件设计优化是S