(define integers (stream-cons 1 (add-streams integers ones))) (define A (stream-cons 1 (scale-stream 2 A))) (define (mul-streams a b) (stream-cons (* (stream-first a) (stream-first b)) (mul-streams (stream-rest a) (stream-rest b)))) (define B (stream-cons 1 (mul-streams B integers))) ; What is A? ; What is B?
时间: 2024-03-11 12:45:09 浏览: 54
Based on the code provided, A is an infinite stream of powers of 2, starting with 1.
B is an infinite stream where the nth element is the product of the first n integers. This is achieved by defining a stream of integers (called "integers") starting with 1, and then defining B as a stream where each element is the product of the corresponding element in "integers" and the previous element in B. This multiplication is done using the "mul-streams" function which takes two streams and returns a stream of their pairwise products.
So in summary, A is a stream of powers of 2 starting with 1, and B is a stream of factorials starting with 1.