tesla t4 benchmark
时间: 2023-11-06 21:07:34 浏览: 117
The Tesla T4 is a high-end data center GPU designed for inference workloads in machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. Here are some benchmark results for the Tesla T4:
1. ResNet-50: The Tesla T4 achieved a throughput of 1,440 images per second (IPS) on the ResNet-50 benchmark, which is a popular benchmark for image recognition.
2. SSD-MobileNet: The Tesla T4 achieved a throughput of 5,000 IPS on the SSD-MobileNet benchmark, which is a popular benchmark for object detection.
3. BERT: The Tesla T4 achieved a throughput of up to 10,000 queries per second (QPS) on the BERT benchmark, which is a popular benchmark for natural language processing tasks.
Overall, the Tesla T4 is a highly capable GPU that can deliver excellent performance for a wide range of machine learning and AI workloads.