<if test=\"_parameter != null\"><where>\n <foreach collection=\"oredCriteria\" item=\"criteria\" separator=\"or\">\n <if test=\"criteria.valid\">\n <trim prefix=\"(\" prefixOverrides=\"and\" suffix=\")\">\n <foreach collection=\"criteria.criteria\" item=\"criterion\">\n <choose>\n <when test=\"criterion.noValue\">\n and ${criterion.condition}\n </when>\n <when test=\"criterion.singleValue\">\n and ${criterion.condition} #{criterion.value}\n </when>\n <when test=\"criterion.betweenValue\">\n and ${criterion.condition} #{criterion.value} and #{criterion.secondValue}\n </when>\n <when test=\"criterion.listValue\">\n and ${criterion.condition}\n <foreach close=\")\" collection=\"criterion.value\" item=\"listItem\" open=\"(\" separator=\",\">\n #{listItem}\n </foreach>\n </when>\n </choose>\n </foreach>\n </trim>\n </if>\n </foreach>\n</where></if>"; 这段代码具体作用
时间: 2023-08-06 13:06:18 浏览: 267
SELECT th.id hotelId, th.hotel_name hotelName, th.country_name countryName, th.city_name cityName, th.active, d.supplyclass as supplyClass, if(ISNULL(a.sort_rank),1000,a.sort_rank) sort FROM t_baseinfo_hotel th LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM t_baseinfo_hotel_sort ths WHERE ths.org_code = #{orgCode})a ON a.hotel_id = th.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT hotel_id,GROUP_CONCAT(supplyclass) supplyclass from t_supply_hotel_mapping where 1=1 <if test="hotelId != null and hotelId != ''"> AND hotel_id = #{hotelId} </if> <if test="hotelIds != null and hotelIds != ''"> AND hotel_id IN <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="hotelIds.split(',')" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="supplierCodes != null and supplierCodes != ''"> AND supplyclass IN <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="supplierCodes.split(',')" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> GROUP BY hotel_id ) d on th.id =d.hotel_id WHERE th.deleted = 0 <if test="cityCode != null and cityCode != ''"> AND th.city_code = #{cityCode} </if> <if test="hotelId != null and hotelId != ''"> AND th.id = #{hotelId} </if> <if test="null != hotelName and hotelName != ''"> AND th.hotel_name LIKE "%"#{hotelName}"%" </if> <if test="active != null and active == 1"> AND th.active = 1 </if> <if test="hotelIds != null and hotelIds != ''"> AND th.id IN <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="hotelIds.split(',')" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="supplierCodes != null and supplierCodes != ''"> AND th.id =d.hotel_id </if> ORDER BY sort ASC,th.id DESC
这是一个比较长的 SQL 查询语句,主要功能是根据不同的条件查询酒店信息并返回相应的结果集。其中,使用了多个左连接(LEFT JOIN)和条件判断(IF)语句,可以根据不同的情况进行动态拼接 SQL 语句。
1. 查询 t_baseinfo_hotel 表中的酒店信息,包括酒店 ID、酒店名称、所在国家和城市、是否激活等信息。
2. 根据 t_baseinfo_hotel_sort 表中的排序信息(sort_rank)对查询结果进行排序,如果没有排序信息,则默认按照酒店 ID 降序排列。
3. 查询 t_supply_hotel_mapping 表中的酒店供应商信息,包括供应商代码和酒店 ID。
4. 根据不同的查询条件动态拼接 SQL 语句,包括城市代码、酒店 ID、酒店名称、是否激活、供应商代码等。
解释一下这个sql,<if test=" source !=null"> and t.source=#{source}</if><if test=" participant !=null and participant.size()>0 ">AND EXISTS (SELECT1FROMims_roadshow_contact t2WHEREt2.roadshow_id = t.schedule_id AND t2.id_type = 2AND t2.participant_account IN (<foreach collection="participant" item="item" separator=", ">#{item.account}</foreach></if>
这个SQL语句的作用是根据条件筛选出符合要求的数据。其中,<if test=" source !=null">表示如果source不为空,则在SQL语句中加入and t.source=#{source}这个条件;<if test=" participant !=null and participant.size()>0 ">表示如果participant不为空且其长度大于0,则在SQL语句中加入AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ims_roadshow_contact t2 WHERE t2.roadshow_id = t.schedule_id AND t2.id_type = 2 AND t2.participant_account IN (<foreach collection="participant" item="item" separator=", ">#{item.account}</foreach>这个条件。