替换IOUtils.copy(inputStream, response.getOutputStream());方法
时间: 2023-12-27 14:06:27 浏览: 300
可以使用Java 7中提供的try-with-resources语句来自动关闭输入输出流,同时使用Apache Commons IO库中的IOUtils.copyLarge方法来复制数据。
try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file)) {
OutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
IOUtils.copyLarge(inputStream, outputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
// 处理异常
优化代码@PostMapping("/downInvoices4") public void downInvoices4(@RequestBody List<String> pathList,HttpServletResponse response) { String UUIDStr = String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID()); String folderName = "invoice" + UUIDStr.replace("-",""); response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename="+folderName+".zip"); try { URL url = new URL(pathList.get(0)); URLConnection coon = url.openConnection(); InputStream is = coon.getInputStream(); ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream(); ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(is); ZipEntry zipEntry =zis.getNextEntry(); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(sos); zos.putNextEntry(zipEntry); zos.closeEntry(); IoUtils.copy(zis,zos); zos.close(); zis.close(); sos.close(); is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
1. 首先,建议将该方法的返回类型改为 ResponseEntity<byte[]>,这样可以更好地控制响应的内容。同时,也可以避免一些潜在的问题,比如下载文件时可能会出现乱码的情况。
2. 接着,可以将生成文件名和设置响应头的代码提取出来,作为一个单独的方法。这样可以提高代码的可读性和复用性。
3. 然后,可以使用 try-with-resources 语句来自动关闭流,避免出现资源泄漏的情况。
4. 最后,建议对输入参数进行必要的校验,比如判断 pathList 是否为空,以及其中是否包含有效的 URL。
public ResponseEntity<byte[]> downInvoices4(@RequestBody List<String> pathList) {
validate(pathList); // 校验输入参数
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(baos);
for (String path : pathList) {
URL url = new URL(path);
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(getFileName(path));
IoUtils.copy(is, zos);
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
return new ResponseEntity<>(baos.toByteArray(), headers, HttpStatus.OK);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void validate(List<String> pathList) {
if (pathList == null || pathList.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pathList cannot be null or empty");
for (String path : pathList) {
try {
new URL(path);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid URL: " + path);
private String getFileName(String path) {
int index = path.lastIndexOf("/");
return index >= 0 ? path.substring(index + 1) : path;
private String getZipFileName() {
String UUIDStr = String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID());
String folderName = "invoice" + UUIDStr.replace("-", "");
return folderName + ".zip";
public void downloadFtpFile(String url, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // 解析 URL,获取 FTP 服务器 IP、端口、用户名、密码、文件路径和文件名等信息 FtpInfo ftpInfo = parseFtpUrl(url); if (ftpInfo == null) { logger.error("Invalid URL: " + url); return; } FTPClient ftpClient = null; try { // 建立 FTP 连接 ftpClient = new FTPClient(); ftpClient.connect(ftpInfo.getIp(), ftpInfo.getPort()); if (StringUtils.hasText(ftpInfo.getUserName())) { ftpClient.login(ftpInfo.getUserName(), ftpInfo.getPassword()); // 用户名密码登录 } else { ftpClient.login("anonymous", ""); // 匿名登录 } if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftpClient.getReplyCode())) { throw new IOException("Failed to connect to FTP server: " + ftpInfo.getIp() + ":" + ftpInfo.getPort()); } // 切换到指定目录 ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(ftpInfo.getFilePath()); // 获取要下载文件的 InputStream InputStream is = ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(new String(ftpInfo.getFilename().getBytes("GB2312"), StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)); if (is == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to retrieve file from FTP server: " + ftpInfo.getFilename()); } // 设置响应头,输出文件流 response.setContentType("application/pdf"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + ftpInfo.getFilename()); OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(is, os); os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to download file from FTP server: " + ftpInfo.getFilename(), e); } finally { if (ftpClient != null) { ftpClient.logout(); ftpClient.disconnect(); } } } private FtpInfo parseFtpUrl(String url) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^ftp://([^/@]+)(?::(\d+))?(/[^@]*)?/([^@/]+)$"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(url); if (!matcher.matches()) { return null; } FtpInfo ftpInfo = new FtpInfo(); ftpInfo.setIp(matcher.group(1)); ftpInfo.setPort(Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(matcher.group(2), "21"))); String[] userInfo = matcher.group().split(":"); if (userInfo.length == 2) { ftpInfo.setUserName(userInfo[0]); ftpInfo.setPassword(userInfo[1]); } ftpInfo.setFilePath(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(matcher.group(3), "/")); ftpInfo.setFilename(matcher.group(4)); return ftpInfo; } private static class FtpInfo { private String ip; private int port = 21; private String userName; private String password; private String filePath = "/"; private String filename; // getters and setters }优化一下代码
public void downloadFtpFile(String url, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
FtpInfo ftpInfo = parseFtpUrl(url);
if (ftpInfo == null) {
logger.error("Invalid URL: " + url);
try (FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient()) {
ftpClient.connect(ftpInfo.getIp(), ftpInfo.getPort());
if (StringUtils.hasText(ftpInfo.getUserName())) {
ftpClient.login(ftpInfo.getUserName(), ftpInfo.getPassword());
} else {
ftpClient.login("anonymous", "");
if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftpClient.getReplyCode())) {
throw new IOException("Failed to connect to FTP server: " + ftpInfo.getIp() + ":" + ftpInfo.getPort());
try (InputStream is = ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(new String(ftpInfo.getFilename().getBytes("GB2312"), StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1))) {
if (is == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to retrieve file from FTP server: " + ftpInfo.getFilename());
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + ftpInfo.getFilename());
try (OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream()) {
IOUtils.copy(is, os);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Failed to download file from FTP server: " + ftpInfo.getFilename(), e);
private FtpInfo parseFtpUrl(String url) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^ftp://([^/@]+)(?::(\\d+))?(/[^@]*)?/([^@/]+)$");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(url);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
return null;
FtpInfo ftpInfo = new FtpInfo();
ftpInfo.setPort(Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(matcher.group(2), "21")));
String[] userInfo = matcher.group().split(":");
if (userInfo.length == 2) {
ftpInfo.setFilePath(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(matcher.group(3), "/"));
return ftpInfo;
1. 使用 try-with-resources 来自动管理 ftpClient、InputStream 和 OutputStream 等资源的释放,避免手动关闭资源时可能出现的异常。
2. 使用正则表达式和 Matcher 类来解析 FTP URL,简化了代码逻辑。
3. 将 FtpInfo 类定义为静态内部类,避免了类名冲突和过多的类定义。