用Matlab 编写一个实现emd算法的代码
时间: 2024-05-28 15:08:55 浏览: 163
当然可以回答您的问题,以下是一个简单的 Matlab 代码实现 EMD 算法的示例:
function [imf, res] = emd(x)
% EMD - Empirical Mode Decomposition
% imf = emd(x) returns a matrix imf of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs)
% extracted from the input signal x.
% [imf, res] = emd(x) also returns the residual signal res.
% Algorithm adapted from Huang et al. [1].
% References:
% [1] N. E. Huang et al., "The empirical mode decomposition and the
% Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series
% analysis," Proc. Royal Soc. London A, Vol. 454, pp. 903-995, 1998.
% Set stopping criteria
S_number = 4; % Maximum number of iterations
S_stop = 0.1; % Stopping criterion
% Initializations
x = x(:)'; % Ensure row vector
N = length(x);
imf = zeros(N,S_number); % Pre-allocate memory
res = x;
% Main EMD loop
for s=1:S_number
% Extract local maxima and minima
max_env = find_local_extrema(res, 'max');
min_env = find_local_extrema(res, 'min');
% Compute mean envelope
mean_env = (max_env + min_env) / 2;
% Calculate detail signal
detail = res - mean_env;
% Check stopping criterion
if (sum(abs(detail)) < S_stop * sum(abs(res)))
imf(:,s) = res;
% Save IMF
imf(:,s) = detail;
% Update residual signal
res = res - detail;
% Remove unused rows of imf
imf = imf(:,1:s);
function extrema = find_local_extrema(x, type)
% FIND_LOCAL_EXTREMA - Find local extrema of a signal
% extrema = find_local_extrema(x, type) returns a vector of indices
% corresponding to local maxima or minima of the input signal x.
% type should be either 'max' or 'min'.
% Set threshold for detecting extrema
thresh = 1e-10;
% Compute first derivative
dx = diff(x);
% Compute sign of first derivative
dx_sign = sign(dx);
% Compute second derivative
d2x = diff(dx);
% Find sign changes in the first derivative
dx_sign_changes = find(diff(dx_sign) ~= 0);
% Find extrema
if strcmp(type, 'max')
% Find local maxima
extrema = [];
for i=1:length(dx_sign_changes)
idx = dx_sign_changes(i);
if dx_sign(idx) == 1 && d2x(idx) < -thresh
extrema(end+1) = idx;
elseif strcmp(type, 'min')
% Find local minima
extrema = [];
for i=1:length(dx_sign_changes)
idx = dx_sign_changes(i);
if dx_sign(idx) == -1 && d2x(idx) > thresh
extrema(end+1) = idx;
error('Invalid type argument');
% Add first and last indices
extrema = [1, extrema, length(x)];