'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'as_matrix'
时间: 2023-09-15 12:21:52 浏览: 65
The 'as_matrix' method has been deprecated in pandas since version 0.23.0 and removed in version 1.0.0. To convert a DataFrame to a NumPy array, you can use the 'values' attribute. For example:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6]})
array = df.values
This will output:
array([[1, 4],
[2, 5],
[3, 6]])
Note that the resulting array will have the same data type as the original DataFrame. If you need to convert the data type, you can use the 'astype' method.
'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'as_matrix
The error message "AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'as_matrix'" means that you are trying to access the 'as_matrix' attribute of a Pandas DataFrame object, but this attribute does not exist. The 'as_matrix' method was removed in Pandas version 0.24.0, as it was deemed to be confusing and potentially dangerous.
To fix this error, you can replace the 'as_matrix' method with the 'values' property, which returns the underlying NumPy array of the DataFrame. For example, if you have a DataFrame called 'df', you would replace:
X = df.as_matrix()
X = df.values
This should solve the error and allow you to access the values of the DataFrame.
DataFrame' object has no attribute 'as_matrix'
The 'DataFrame' object in pandas does not have an 'as_matrix' attribute. This attribute was deprecated in newer versions of pandas. Instead, you can use the 'values' attribute to convert a DataFrame to a numpy array. For example, you can use the following code:
import pandas as pd
# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6]})
# Convert DataFrame to numpy array
array = df.values
In this code, the 'values' attribute is used to convert the DataFrame 'df' into a numpy array 'array'.