Warning: Use of undefined constant ‘root’ - assumed '‘root’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in E:\phpstudy\phpstudy_pro\WWW\sqli-labs-master\sqli-labs-master\sql-connections\db-creds.inc on line 5 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in E:\phpstudy\phpstudy_pro\WWW\sqli-labs-master\sqli-labs-master\sql-connections\setup-db.php:29 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in E:\phpstudy\phpstudy_pro\WWW\sqli-labs-master\sqli-labs-master\sql-connections\setup-db.php on line 29 这什么意思,哪里出错了
时间: 2023-09-29 09:11:12 浏览: 363
这个错误提示是 PHP 的报错信息,指出了代码中的错误和出错的位置。
第一个错误提示中,‘root’ 前后的引号不一致,可能是拷贝代码时产生的问题。应该将引号改为单引号或双引号,保持一致。
第二个错误提示中,指出了在文件 setup-db.php 的第 29 行出现了错误,即调用了一个未定义的函数 mysql_connect()。这是因为 PHP7.0 以上版本已经弃用了 mysql_* 系列函数,应该使用 mysqli_* 或 PDO 等函数来连接数据库。
要解决这个问题,可以将代码中的 mysql_* 函数改为 mysqli_* 函数或 PDO 函数,或者使用一个兼容 PHP7.0 以上版本的 SQLi-Labs 代码库。同时,还需要检查数据库的配置信息是否正确,确保能够正确连接数据库。
皮卡丘Warning: Use of undefined constant DBHOST - assumed DBHOST (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in
define('DBHOST', 'localhost');
Use of undefined constant index - assumed 'index' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)
This error message indicates that there is a PHP syntax issue in your code. Specifically, you are trying to use a constant called "index" without defining it first. In older versions of PHP, this would have been interpreted as a string, but in newer versions, it will throw an error.
To fix this issue, you need to define the constant "index" before using it in your code. You can do this by adding the following line at the top of your PHP file:
define('index', 1);
Replace "1" with the value you want to assign to the constant. Alternatively, you can use a variable instead of a constant if the value will change during runtime.