import aiohttp import asyncio from fake_useragent import UserAgent from pyquery import PyQuery as pq import time ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False, path='D:/Pycharm/fake_useragent.json') lists = [] start = time.time() def ua_random(): headers = { 'use_agent' : ua.random } return headers async def scrape_text(url): async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=ua_random()) as session: async with session.get(url) as response: result = await response.text() await session.close() return result async def scrap_url(html): doc = pq(html) links = doc('.clearfix li a') for link in links.items(): lists.append('' + link.attr('href')) async def scrap_index(page): url = f'{page}.html' html = await scrape_text(url) await scrap_url(html) async def main(): scrap_index_tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(scrap_index(page)) for page in range(2, 10)] await asyncio.gather(*scrap_index_tasks) print(lists) if name == 'main': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) print('总用时:', time.time()-start)出现了init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'path'错误
时间: 2024-04-27 14:25:21 浏览: 215
import aiohttp import asyncio from fake_useragent import UserAgent from pyquery import PyQuery as pq import time ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False, path='D:/Pycharm/fake_useragent.json') lists = [] start = time.time() def ua_random(): headers = { 'use_agent' : ua.random } return headers async def scrape_text(url): async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=ua_random()) as session: async with session.get(url) as response: result = await response.text() await session.close() return result async def scrap_url(html): doc = pq(html) links = doc('.clearfix li a') for link in links.items(): lists.append('' + link.attr('href')) async def scrap_index(page): url = f'{page}.html' html = await scrape_text(url) await scrap_url(html) async def main(): scrap_index_tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(scrap_index(page)) for page in range(2, 10)] await asyncio.gather(*scrap_index_tasks) print(lists) if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) print('总用时:', time.time()-start)
TypeError: FakeUserAgent.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'verify_ssl'
根据提供的引用内容,出现TypeError: FakeUserAgent.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'verify_ssl'的错误是因为FakeUserAgent的初始化函数__init__()不接受名为'verify_ssl'的关键字参数。解决方法是将'verify_ssl'改为合适的参数或删除该参数。
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
# 创建UserAgent对象时不传递'verify_ssl'参数
ua = UserAgent()