sub_window1 = R1(i-half_window_size : i+half_window_size, j-half_window_size : j+half_window_size); if numel(unique(sub_window1)) == 1 continue; end correlation = normxcorr2(sub_window1, R2); [ypeak, xpeak] = find(correlation == max(correlation(:))); ypeak = ypeak(1); xpeak = xpeak(1); uTemp(i,j) = ypeak - i; vTemp(i,j) = xpeak - j; end end u = uTemp; v = vTemp; image1_1D = R1(:); image2_1D = R2(:); correlationCoefficient = corrcoef(image1_1D, image2_1D); correlationCoefficient = correlationCoefficient(1,2); fprintf('The value of correlationCoefficient is: %d\n', correlationCoefficient);
时间: 2024-04-18 08:33:07 浏览: 106
首先,代码中定义了一个名为 `sub_window1` 的子窗口,它是从图像 `R1` 中提取出来的以 `(i, j)` 为中心的一个小窗口。如果该子窗口内的像素值都相同,则跳过后续计算。
然后,代码使用 `normxcorr2` 函数计算了 `sub_window1` 与图像 `R2` 之间的归一化互相关系数。该函数返回一个相关系数矩阵 `correlation`。
接下来,代码使用 `find` 函数找到 `correlation` 中最大值所在的位置 `(ypeak, xpeak)`。由于可能存在多个最大值,代码只选择第一个最大值。
然后,代码计算了 `(ypeak - i)` 和 `(xpeak - j)`,并将其分别赋值给 `uTemp(i, j)` 和 `vTemp(i, j)`。这些值表示图像 `R1` 中每个像素与图像 `R2` 中对应匹配位置的位移量。
最后,代码将 `R1` 和 `R2` 转换为一维数组 `image1_1D` 和 `image2_1D`,并使用 `corrcoef` 函数计算它们之间的相关系数。最终,相关系数被赋值给变量 `correlationCoefficient`。
需要注意的是,这段代码中的变量 `R1`、`R2`、`uTemp`、`vTemp` 等是在代码的其他部分定义的,且未提供。此外,这段代码只计算了两幅图像的相关系数,并没有提供完整的图像匹配算法的实现。
% Read two images %image1 = imread('1.png'); %image2 = imread('2.png'); image1 = imread('40.bmp'); image2 = imread('乙醇.bmp'); % Down-sample the image to half its original resolution downsampled_image1 = imresize(image1, 0.1); downsampled_image2 = imresize(image2, 0.1); % Convert images to grayscale image1 = rgb2gray(downsampled_image1); image2 = rgb2gray(downsampled_image2); % Convert images to double precision for computations image1 = double(image1); image2 = double(image2); % Determine size of images [n, m] = size(image1); % Initialize matrices for displacement fields u = zeros(n, m); v = zeros(n, m); % Set window size for correlation (odd number to have a central pixel) window_size = 15; half_window_size = (window_size-1)/2; % You need to initialize these variables before the loop uTemp = zeros(n, m); vTemp = zeros(n, m); for i = 1+half_window_size : n-half_window_size fprintf('The value of i is: %d\n', i); parfor j = 1+half_window_size : m-half_window_size fprintf('The value of j is: %d\n', j); % Extract sub-window from image1 sub_window1 = image1(i-half_window_size : i+half_window_size, j-half_window_size : j+half_window_size); % Skip this sub-window if all its values are the same if numel(unique(sub_window1)) == 1 continue; end % Correlate this with image2 within a search area (here, the whole image) correlation = normxcorr2(sub_window1, image2); % Find the peak correlation [ypeak, xpeak] = find(correlation == max(correlation(:))); % If there are multiple, just take the first one ypeak = ypeak(1); xpeak = xpeak(1); % Compute displacements (be careful about off-by-one due to zero-based and one-based indexing) uTemp(i,j) = ypeak - i; vTemp(i,j) = xpeak - j; end end % Copy the temporary variables back to the original ones after the loop u = uTemp; v = vTemp; % Flatten the images into 1D arrays image1_1D = image1(:); image2_1D = image2(:); % Compute the correlation coefficient correlationCoefficient = corrcoef(image1_1D, image2_1D); % The correlation coefficient is the value at position (1,2) or (2,1) in the output matrix correlationCoefficient = correlationCoefficient(1,2); fprintf('The value of correlationCoefficient is: %d\n', correlationCoefficient); % Display original images and displacement field figure, subplot(1,3,1), imshow(image1, []), title('Image 1'); subplot(1,3,2), imshow(image2, []), title('Image 2'); subplot(1,3,3), quiver(u, v), title('Displacement Field');