时间: 2023-06-18 20:01:59 浏览: 297
VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language)是一种虚拟现实建模语言,可以用来创建三维虚拟世界。以下是一个简单的教程,介绍如何使用VRML制作一个会动的摆球:
1. 首先,你需要一个文本编辑器,比如Notepad++或Sublime Text,用来编写VRML代码。
2. 在编辑器中创建一个新的文件,并将其保存为“swingball.wrl”。
3. 在文件的开头添加以下代码,定义场景中使用的节点和颜色:
#VRML V2.0 utf8
DEF SceneInfo Info {
title "Swing Ball"
DEF Background Background {
skyColor 0.0 0.0 0.0
DEF Viewpoint Viewpoint {
position 0 0 10
orientation 0 0 1 0
description "Default View"
DEF Material BlueMaterial {
diffuseColor 0.0 0.0 1.0
4. 接下来,定义一个球体节点,表示摆球,代码如下:
DEF Ball Transform {
translation 0 4 0
children [
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material USE BlueMaterial
geometry Sphere {
radius 1.0
5. 然后,定义一个节点表示摆球的支架,代码如下:
DEF Stand Transform {
children [
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 0.5 0.5 0.5
geometry Cylinder {
height 6.0
radius 0.5
6. 现在我们来实现球的摆动。我们需要定义一个节点表示球的运动轨迹,并通过脚本来控制球体节点的位置。代码如下:
DEF Trajectory PositionInterpolator {
key [ 0.0 1.0 2.0 ]
keyValue [
0 4 0,
0 1.5 0,
0 4 0
DEF Script1 Script {
eventIn SFTime set_fraction
eventOut SFVec3f translation
field SFVec3f key0 0 4 0
field SFVec3f key1 0 1.5 0
field SFVec3f key2 0 4 0
field SFTime startTime 0
field SFTime stopTime 2
directOutput true
url "javascript:
function set_fraction(value) {
if (value < startTime) value = startTime;
if (value > stopTime) value = stopTime;
var fraction = (value - startTime) / (stopTime - startTime);
var position = interpolate(fraction, key0, key1, key2);
translation = position;
function interpolate(fraction, start, mid, end) {
var f = 1.0 - fraction;
var f2 = f * f;
var ff = fraction * fraction;
return [
f2 * start[0] + 2 * f * fraction * mid[0] + ff * end[0],
f2 * start[1] + 2 * f * fraction * mid[1] + ff * end[1],
f2 * start[2] + 2 * f * fraction * mid[2] + ff * end[2]
7. 最后,我们将球和支架节点添加到场景中,并将球的位置绑定到运动轨迹节点。代码如下:
DEF Scene Separator {
children [
DEF TrajectoryInfo Info {
title "Trajectory"
DEF TrajectoryAnimation TimeSensor {
cycleInterval 2
loop TRUE
DEF TrajectoryKey OrientationInterpolator {
key [ 0.0 0.5 1.0 ]
keyValue [
0 0 1 0,
0 1 0 0,
0 0 1 0
DEF TrajectoryTransform Transform {
rotation USE TrajectoryKey
children [
DEF TrajectoryShape Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1.0 0.0 0.0
geometry IndexedLineSet {
coord Coordinate {
point [
0 4 0,
0 1.5 0,
0 4 0
coordIndex [ 0, 1, 2 ]
USE Ball
USE Stand
ROUTE TrajectoryAnimation.fraction_changed TO Trajectory.set_fraction
ROUTE Trajectory.value_changed TO Ball.translation
8. 保存文件,然后使用VRML浏览器(比如Cortona VRML Client或FreeWRL)打开“swingball.wrl”文件,你就可以看到一个摆球在运动了!