echo "shellExecResult:{tsods,$table,$runtime,0x0000,dlk,incremental,${date},${START_TIME}}"
时间: 2023-12-17 21:05:10 浏览: 67
This is a command in the shell scripting language that prints a string to the console. The string contains several variables that are enclosed in curly braces and will be replaced with their respective values when the command is executed.
The string starts with "shellExecResult:", which suggests that this command is meant to store the output of another command or function. The variables in the string are as follows:
- $table: This variable likely refers to a database table, and it will be replaced with the name of the table.
- $runtime: This variable likely refers to the amount of time it takes to run a certain process or function, and it will be replaced with a numerical value.
- 0x0000: This is a hexadecimal value that may have some significance in the context of the script or program.
- dlk: This may be an abbreviation for a process or function that is being executed.
- incremental: This may refer to a type of update or change that is being made to the database table.
- ${date}: This variable likely refers to the current date, and it will be replaced with a date value.
- ${START_TIME}: This variable likely refers to the time at which the script or process started, and it will be replaced with a time value.