时间: 2023-08-29 16:06:19 浏览: 196
CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics,计算流体力学)在羊舍应用较少的原因有以下几个方面:
1. 羊舍内部的空气流动比较简单,不需要过于复杂的模拟。相比于其他工业场所,羊舍内空气流动的速度、方向和温度变化相对较为缓慢而稳定,因此需要模拟的因素较少。
2. 羊舍内部环境因素复杂,难以准确建立模型。羊舍内存在许多非线性的复杂因素,如羊只数量、移动、呼吸及排泄等,这些因素难以用简单的模型进行描述,因此模拟难度较大。
3. 羊舍内空气流动的影响比较有限。相比于其他工业场所,羊舍内空气流动对生产过程的影响较小,因此对于提高生产效率和质量的作用也较小。
1. Guo X, Wang Z, Zeng S, et al. Numerical simulation of airflow and temperature distribution in a sheep barn with a natural ventilation system. Biosystems Engineering, 2018, 167: 103-117.
2. Guo X, Wang Z, Zeng S, et al. Effect of natural ventilation strategies on indoor thermal environment and air quality in sheep barns: A CFD study. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 144: 319-330.
3. Bai Y, Gong F, Zhang X, et al. Numerical simulation of the indoor thermal environment in a sheep house. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2019, 7(2): 131-137.
4. Liu J, Li W, Zhu J, et al. Numerical simulation of indoor thermal environment in a sheep house under different ventilation modes. Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 2020, 62(3): 363-372.
1. Jingwei Zhu, Huanan Wang, Jinming Wu, et al. Numerical simulation of air flow and heat transfer in a sheepfold. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 103: 599-610.
2. Xiaohong Wang, Hongwei Zhang, Jingbin Wang, et al. Numerical simulation of air flow and temperature distribution in a sheep shed. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, 2015, 22(5): 14-22.
3. Saad M, Al-Abidi A, Al-Ali A. Numerical simulation of the thermal performance of a sheep shelter. Energy and Buildings, 2015, 109: 354-361.