编写一个计算个人所得税程序。设某人月收入为x元,假设个人所得税征收方法如下: 当500<x≤1000时,应征税为(x-500)*5%;当1000<x≤2000时,应征税为(x-500)*10%; 当2000<x≤5000时,应征税为(x-500)*15%;当5000<x≤20000时,应征税为(x-500)*20%; 当20000<x时,应征税为(x-500)*30% 分别利用if语句和switch语句来实现。
时间: 2023-05-24 18:04:20 浏览: 159
Null is a term used to describe a lack of value or absence of any data. It represents the absence of any meaningful or significant worth or value. It is often seen as an empty or blank value, as it does not represent any specific number, quantity, or object. In computer programming, null is often used to indicate that a variable or object does not have a valid value or is not initialized. It is a commonly used value in programming languages like Java, C++, Python, and many others.
分支结构的应用:编写一个计算个人所得税的程序,要求可以输入任意员工累计应纳 税所得额后,能够输出当年应缴的个人所得税。个人所得税的征收办法如下:
def calculate_tax(income):
if income <= 5000: # 免税部分
tax = 0
elif income <= 8000: # 第一级税率区间
tax = (income - 5000) * 0.03
elif income <= 17000: # 第二级税率区间
tax = (5000 + (income - 8000)) * 0.1 + (income - 17000) * 0.03
else: # 高于17000的部分
tax = 900 + (income - 17000) * 0.2
return tax
# 用户输入
total_income = float(input("请输入您的累计应纳税所得额:"))
tax = calculate_tax(total_income)
income = float(input("请输入收入金额:"))
if income <= 2000:
tax = 0
elif income <= 5000:
tax = (income - 2000) * 0.05
elif income <= 20000:
tax = 300 + (income - 5000) * 0.1
elif income <= 40000:
tax = 2300 + (income - 20000) * 0.15
elif income <= 60000:
tax = 5300 + (income - 40000) * 0.2
elif income <= 80000:
tax = 9300 + (income - 60000) * 0.25
elif income <= 100000:
tax = 15300 + (income - 80000) * 0.3
tax = 21300 + (income - 100000) * 0.35
print("应缴个人所得税为:", tax, "元")
使用 `input()` 函数从键盘上获取用户输入的收入金额,并将其保存在变量 `income` 中。然后,使用 `if...elif...else` 语句根据不同的收入金额计算应缴个人所得税,并将结果保存在变量 `tax` 中。最后,使用 `print()` 函数输出结果。