时间: 2024-10-29 19:05:26 浏览: 36
1. **创建字符串**:
str1 = "Hello, World!"
2. **访问单个字符**:
print(str1[0]) # 输出 'H'
3. **长度计算**:
print(len(str1)) # 输出 13
4. **切片(Slicing)**:
print(str1[7:12]) # 输出 'World'
5. **连接字符串**:
str2 = "Python"
print(str1 + " " + str2) # 输出 'Hello, World! Python'
6. **复制字符串**:
copy_str = str1 * 2 # 输出 'Hello, World!Hello, World!'
7. **查找和替换**:
print(str1.replace('World', 'Python')) # 输出 'Hello, Python!'
8. **字符串格式化**:
name = "Alice"
age = 25
print(f"My name is {name} and I'm {age} years old.") # 输出 'My name is Alice and I'm 25 years old.'
9. **转换大小写**:
print(str1.upper()) # 输出 'HELLO, WORLD!'
print(str1.lower()) # 输出 'hello, world!'