时间: 2024-01-16 13:01:56 浏览: 88
以下是一段简单的维纳滤波语音调制和解调的 Matlab 代码:
% 读取语音信号
[x,fs] = audioread('speech.wav');
% 调制频率
f_mod = 400;
% 调制信号
m = sin(2*pi*f_mod*(0:length(x)-1)/fs);
% 维纳滤波
w = wiener2(m, [3, 3]);
y = filter(w, 1, x);
% 解调信号
demod = y .* m;
% 播放解调后的语音信号
% Load the noisy speech signal
[y,Fs] = audioread('noisy_speech.wav');
% Define the length of the filter
L = 200;
% Define the noise variance
noise_var = 0.01;
% Calculate the noise power spectrum
Y = abs(fft(y));
N = Y.^2 - noise_var;
N(N < 0) = 0;
% Calculate the Wiener filter coefficients
H = conj(Y) ./ (conj(Y).*Y + noise_var*ones(size(Y)));
% Apply the Wiener filter to the noisy speech signal
y_hat = ifft(H.*fft(y));
% Save the filtered speech signal
audiowrite('filtered_speech.wav', y_hat, Fs);
% Load the modulated signal
y = load('modulated_signal.mat');
% Define the carrier frequency
fc = 1000;
% Define the sampling frequency
Fs = 8000;
% Generate the carrier signal
t = 0:1/Fs:length(y)/Fs-1/Fs;
c = cos(2*pi*fc*t);
% Multiply the modulated signal and the carrier signal
z = y.*c';
% Apply a lowpass filter to the demodulated signal
[b,a] = butter(6,fc/(Fs/2));
x = filter(b,a,z);
% Save the demodulated signal
% Load the modulated signal
y = load('modulated_signal.mat');
% Define the carrier frequency
fc = 1000;
% Define the sampling frequency
Fs = 8000;
% Generate the carrier signal
t = 0:1/Fs:length(y)/Fs-1/Fs;
c = cos(2*pi*fc*t);
% Generate the quadrature carrier signal
s = sin(2*pi*fc*t);
% Multiply the modulated signal and the carrier signals
z1 = y.*c';
z2 = y.*s';
% Apply lowpass filters to the demodulated signals
[b,a] = butter(6,fc/(Fs/2));
x1 = filter(b,a,z1);
x2 = filter(b,a,z2);
% Calculate the magnitude of the demodulated signal
x = sqrt(x1.^2 + x2.^2);
% Save the demodulated signal