elif len(book_info.strip().split("/")) == 4: book_author = book_info.strip().split("/")[0] # book_translate = "Nan" book_press = book_info.strip().split("/")[1].strip() book_time = book_info.strip().split("/")[2].strip() book_price = book_info.strip().split("/")[3].replace("元","") data = ",".join([book_tag, book_name, book_author, book_press, book_time, book_price,book_nums,book_pl]) writer.writerow([book_tag,book_name,book_author,book_press,book_time,book_price,book_nums,book_pl]) print("|" + " " + data + " " + "|")
时间: 2024-04-18 11:30:54 浏览: 146
class Book: def__init__(self,title, author, isbn): selftitle=title selfauthor=author self.isbn=isbn class Library: def__init__(self): self.books=[] defadd_book(self,book): self.books.append(book) defremove_book(self,book): self.books.remove(book) def search_book(self,title): for book in self.books: if book.title==title: return book return None def display_books(self): for book in self.books: print(f"{book.title} by {book.author} (ISBN: {book.isbn})") library=Library() while True: print("1. Add book") print("2. Remove book") print("3. Search book") print("4. Display all books") print("5. Exit") choice=input("Enter your choice:") if choice== "1": title=input("Enter book title:") author=input("Enter book author") isbn=input("Enter bookISBN:") book=Book(title,author,isbn) library.add_book(book) print("Book added successfully!") elif choice=="2": title=input("Enter book title:") book=librarysearch_book(title) if book: library.remove_book(book) print("Book removed successfully!") else: print("Book not found!") elif choice == "3": title=input("Enter book title:") book=library.search_book(title) if book: print(f"{book.title} by {book.author} (ISBN: {book.isbn})") else: print("Book not found!") elif choice == "4": librarydisplay_books() elif choice=="5": break else: print("Invalid choice!")
这段代码是一个图书管理系统的实现,其中定义了两个类 Book 和 Library。 Book 表示一本书,具有三个属性 title、author 和 isbn;Library 表示一个图书馆,具有一个 books 列表属性,分别实现了添加、删除、搜索和展示书籍的功能。在主程序中,使用了一个 while 循环来不断接收用户的输入,根据用户的输入来调用不同的方法实现对书籍的管理。
请帮我解释以下代码:def run(): time.sleep(1) val = v.get() name = '' start_page = '' end_page = '' try: #获取整型变量,文本框内的起始页和结束页 if val == 1: name = '烧烤' start_page = int(txt11.get().strip()) end_page = int(txt21.get().strip()) print(start_page, end_page) elif val == 2: name = '火锅' start_page = int(txt12.get().strip()) end_page = int(txt22.get().strip()) print(start_page, end_page) elif val == 3: name = '快餐简餐' start_page = int(txt13.get().strip()) end_page = int(txt23.get().strip()) print(start_page, end_page) elif val == 4: name = '韩国菜' start_page = int(txt14.get().strip()) end_page = int(txt24.get().strip()) print(start_page, end_page) elif val == 5: name = '饮料' start_page = int(txt15.get().strip()) end_page = int(txt25.get().strip()) print(start_page, end_page) elif val == 6: name = '茶厅' start_page = int(txt16.get().strip()) end_page = int(txt26.get().strip()) elif val == 7: name = '汤' start_page = int(txt17.get().strip()) end_page = int(txt27.get().strip()) print(start_page, end_page) elif val == 8: name = '酒吧' start_page = int(txt18.get().strip()) end_page = int(txt28.get().strip()) print(start_page, end_page) elif val == 9: name = '咖啡馆' start_page = int(txt19.get().strip()) end_page = int(txt29.get().strip()) print(start_page, end_page) elif val == 10: name = '电影' start_page = int(txt10.get().strip()) end_page = int(txt20.get().strip()) print(start_page, end_page) else: print(val) except Exception as e: print(e) if name!='' and start_page!='' and end_page!='': main(name,start_page,end_page)
1. 等待1秒钟(使用了`time.sleep(1)`函数)。
2. 获取一个整数类型的变量`val`的值,该变量来自于一个名为`v`的变量。
3. 定义空字符串变量`name`、`start_page`和`end_page`。
4. 尝试获取文本框内的起始页和结束页的整数值,这些文本框的值根据`val`的值来决定。
5. 如果`val`的值在1到10之间,则给`name`变量赋值相应的餐饮类型,给`start_page`和`end_page`变量赋值相应的起始页和结束页,并打印出这些值。如果`val`不在1到10之间,则只打印`val`的值。
6. 如果`name`,`start_page`和`end_page`都不为空,则调用名为`main`的函数,并将`name`、`start_page`和`end_page`作为参数传递给它。