时间: 2023-08-20 19:12:46 浏览: 83
这段代码使用了 BeanUtils 类的 copyProperties 方法,将一个对象 inform 的属性值复制到 informVo 对象中。这个方法是 Apache Commons BeanUtils 库中提供的一个实用工具方法。它会自动通过反射来获取对象的属性,并将相应的属性值复制到目标对象中的对应属性上。通过调用这个方法,可以方便地将一个对象的属性值复制到另一个对象中,减少手动编写赋值代码的工作量。
BeanUtils.copyProperties() 是一个 Apache Commons BeanUtils 库中的一个静态方法,它可以将一个 JavaBean 对象的属性值拷贝到另一个 JavaBean 对象中对应的属性中。例如:
public class User {
private String name;
private int age;
// 省略 getter 和 setter 方法
public class UserDTO {
private String name;
private int age;
// 省略 getter 和 setter 方法
User user = new User();
UserDTO userDTO = new UserDTO();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(userDTO, user);
System.out.println(userDTO.getName()); // "张三"
System.out.println(userDTO.getAge()); // 23
在上面的例子中,我们首先创建了一个 User 对象,并设置了其属性值。然后,我们创建了一个 UserDTO 对象,并使用 BeanUtils.copyProperties() 方法将 User 对象的属性值拷贝到 UserDTO 对象中。最后,我们打印出 UserDTO 对象中的属性值,可以看到它们已经被成功地拷贝了过来。
需要注意的是,BeanUtils.copyProperties() 方法会将源对象中所有非空属性的值拷贝到目标对象的对应属性中,因此需要保证目标对象中的属性与源对象中的属性名称和类型相同。如果目标对象中没有对应的属性,则会抛出异常。
BeanUtils.copyProperties is a method in the Apache Commons BeanUtils library that allows for the copying of properties from one JavaBean object to another. This method is commonly used in Java applications to transfer data between objects, or to create a new object with the same properties as another object.
The method takes two parameters: the source object and the destination object. The source object is the object from which the properties will be copied, and the destination object is the object to which the properties will be copied. The method copies all properties with the same name and type from the source object to the destination object.
BeanUtils.copyProperties is a convenient way to copy properties between JavaBean objects without having to write custom code. However, it is important to note that this method only copies properties that have a getter and a setter method in both the source and destination objects. If a property does not have a corresponding getter or setter method, it will not be copied. Additionally, the method does not handle complex types, such as collections or nested objects, by default.
Overall, BeanUtils.copyProperties is a useful method for quickly copying properties between JavaBean objects in a Java application.