What+is+a+spout+in+Apache+Storm?  a. A+component+that+visualizes+data  b. A+component+that+stores
时间: 2024-01-17 12:02:42 浏览: 70
A spout in Apache Storm is a component that is responsible for ingesting data into the Storm topology. It acts as a source of data and emits streams of tuples, which are the basic units of data in Storm. Spouts can read data from various*** the data as tuples to be processed by the bolts in the topology.
Spouts are the starting point of a Storm topology and can be used to fetch real-time data from external systems. They can be configured to emit data continuously or in batches, and they can also handle failures and ensure data reliability.
In summary, a spout in Apache Storm is a component that fetches data from external sources and emits streams of tuples to be processed by the bolts in a Storm topology.