时间: 2023-10-25 17:32:12 浏览: 99
MyBatis can return a `Map<List>` by configuring the result map appropriately. Here are the steps to achieve this:
1. Define a ResultMap in your MyBatis configuration XML file:
<resultMap id="myResultMap" type="java.util.Map">
<collection property="myList" ofType="java.util.List" resultMap="nestedResultMap"/>
<resultMap id="nestedResultMap" type="your.package.YourClass">
<!-- your nested result mappings -->
2. Use the defined ResultMap in your SQL query:
<select id="yourQuery" resultMap="myResultMap">
<!-- your SQL query -->
3. In your Java code, retrieve the result as a `Map<List>`:
Map<String, List<YourClass>> resultMap = sqlSession.selectOne("yourQuery");
List<YourClass> myList = resultMap.get("myList");
Make sure to replace `your.package.YourClass` with the appropriate class that represents the elements of the list you want to retrieve.