mybatisplus between方法
时间: 2023-09-27 12:09:19 浏览: 120
MyBatis-Plus 是一个在 MyBatis 基础上进行增强的轻量级框架,提供了许多便捷的 CRUD 操作方法。在 MyBatis-Plus 中,`between` 方法可以用于生成 SQL 查询中的 BETWEEN 条件。
当使用 MyBatis-Plus 进行查询时,可以使用 `between` 方法来构建 BETWEEN 条件。`between` 方法接受两个参数:字段名和两个边界值。
QueryWrapper<User> queryWrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
queryWrapper.between("age", 20, 30);
List<User> userList = userMapper.selectList(queryWrapper);
上述代码中,`QueryWrapper` 是 MyBatis-Plus 提供的查询封装类,`between` 方法用于构建 BETWEEN 条件,其中 `"age"` 是要查询的字段名,`20` 和 `30` 是 BETWEEN 的边界值。最后使用 `selectList` 方法执行查询并返回结果。
注意:`between` 方法生成的 SQL 条件是闭区间,即包括边界值。如果需要开区间条件,可以使用 `and` 或 `andNew` 方法进行组合操作。
mybatisplus between
MyBatis-Plus provides a convenient way to perform range queries using the `between` method. The `between` method is available on the `QueryWrapper` class, which is used to build dynamic queries.
Here's an example of how to use the `between` method in MyBatis-Plus:
QueryWrapper<User> queryWrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
queryWrapper.between("age", 20, 30);
List<User> userList = userDao.selectList(queryWrapper);
In this example, we create a `QueryWrapper` object and call the `between` method on it. We pass in the column name ("age" in this case) and the range values (20 and 30) as parameters. This will generate a SQL query that includes a `BETWEEN` condition for the specified column.
The resulting `QueryWrapper` is then passed to the `selectList` method of the user's DAO (Data Access Object) to retrieve a list of users whose age is between 20 and 30.
Note that the `between` method can also be used with other comparison operators, such as `>=` and `<=`. Additionally, you can chain multiple `between` conditions together or combine them with other query conditions using the various methods provided by MyBatis-Plus.
mybatisplus between时间
可以使用 MybatisPlus 的 QueryWrapper 类来实现 between 时间的查询。具体实现方式如下:
QueryWrapper<Entity> queryWrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
queryWrapper.between("create_time", startTime, endTime);
List<Entity> entityList = entityMapper.selectList(queryWrapper);
其中,"create_time" 是数据库表中的时间字段名,startTime 和 endTime 分别是起始时间和结束时间。