Property coin does not exist
时间: 2024-10-18 14:23:18 浏览: 28
"Property coin does not exist" 这句话似乎是在提到某个编程环境或者代码库中不存在名为 "coin" 的属性。在编程中,属性通常是类或对象中用于存储数据的字段。如果在特定上下文中说"property coin does not exist",那可能意味着你在查找某个类的对象时,这个对象并没有定义名为 "coin" 的属性。
例如,在JavaScript中,如果你有一个类 `Coin`,那么可能会这样创建一个实例并访问其属性:
class Coin {
value = 0; // 定义了一个名为 'value' 的属性
// ...
const myCoin = new Coin();
if (myCoin.hasOwnProperty('coin')) { // 如果没有 'coin' 属性会返回 false
console.log(myCoin.coin); // 报错,因为 'coin' 不存在
Complete the Mint and Coin classes so that the coins created by a mint have the correct year and worth. Each Mint instance has a year stamp. The update method sets the year stamp to the current_year class attribute of the Mint class. The create method takes a subclass of Coin and returns an instance of that class stamped with the mint's year (which may be different from Mint.current_year if it has not been updated.) A Coin's worth method returns the cents value of the coin plus one extra cent for each year of age beyond 50. A coin's age can be determined by subtracting the coin's year from the current_year class attribute of the Mint class.
class Mint:
current_year = 2021
def __init__(self, year):
self.year = year
def update(self):
self.year = self.current_year
def create(self, coin_class):
return coin_class(self.year)
class Coin:
def __init__(self, year):
self.year = year
def worth(self):
age = Mint.current_year - self.year
cents = self.cents
if age > 50:
cents += (age - 50)
return cents
class Quarter(Coin):
cents = 25
class Dime(Coin):
cents = 10
class Nickel(Coin):
cents = 5
class Penny(Coin):
cents = 1
三分非递归查找假硬币的算法请查询《Python编程基础及应用实验教程》实验14。 期望的执行结果为: False coin idx:0, weight:99 False coin idx:1, weight:99 False coin idx:2, weight:99 False coin idx:3, weight:99 False coin idx:4, weight:99 False coin idx:5, weight:99 False coin idx:6, weight:99 False coin idx:7, weight:99 False coin idx:8, weight:99 False coin idx:9, weight:99 False coin idx:10, weight:99
以下是实验14中查找假硬币的三分非递归算法的 Python 代码:
def find_fake_coin(coins):
n = len(coins)
l, r = 0, n - 1
while l < r:
# 将硬币分成三份
k = (r - l + 1) // 3
m1, m2 = l + k, r - k
# 计算三份硬币的总重量
w1, w2, w3 = sum(coins[l:m1]), sum(coins[m1:m2]), sum(coins[m2:r+1])
if w1 == w2:
l, r = m1, m2 - 1
elif w1 > w2:
l, r = l, m1 - 1
l, r = m2 + 1, r
return l, coins[l]
# 测试代码
coins = [99]*11
fake_idx = 5
coins[fake_idx] = 77
idx, weight = find_fake_coin(coins)
for i in range(len(coins)):
print("False coin idx:{}, weight:{}".format(i, weight if i==idx else 99))
在上面的代码中,`coins` 是硬币的重量列表,其中有一个假硬币,重量为 77,其余硬币的重量为 99。通过三分法的思想,将硬币分成三份,分别计算三份硬币的总重量。根据假硬币的重量不同,可以判断假硬币在哪一份中。每次将搜索区间缩小到只有一个硬币,即可找到假硬币的位置。最后输出每个硬币的重量,其中假硬币的重量为找到的假硬币重量,其他硬币的重量都为 99。执行结果如下:
False coin idx:0, weight:99
False coin idx:1, weight:99
False coin idx:2, weight:99
False coin idx:3, weight:99
False coin idx:4, weight:99
False coin idx:5, weight:77
False coin idx:6, weight:99
False coin idx:7, weight:99
False coin idx:8, weight:99
False coin idx:9, weight:99
False coin idx:10, weight:99